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Running head: Processing Costs 1
Week Two Processing Costs
Student Name
ACC 650
January 26, 2021

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BENCHMARK Processing Costs 2
Chapter 4, problem 16
Use the Internet to access the website for Weyerhaeuser (,
International Paper (, or Boise Cascade
Required: Skim over the information presented on the website about the company’s
products and operations.
Then discuss why process costing is an appropriate product-costing method for this
Boise Cascade
Boise Cascade is a buildings materials supply company that deals with numerous
merchandise that are used in construction business. Boise Cascade supplies a diverse of products
like wood, metal, roofing materials, etc. The company has focused on supplying construction
materials. Their materials they use and sell are from plants, minerals and other metals. Most of
their products are ready to sell and have enough material to inventory for future sale.
Product costing will be suitable for Boise Cascade because their company deals with
mass production of many similar products. Because they are so similar, the individual head costs
for each product cannot be distinguished. Boise Cascade can track the expenses involved in the
process of production and distribution. This works because all the costs that are involved in
materials, materials to products are put into deliberation before making any assumptions on the
total costs that they encounter.

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Running head: Processing Costs 1 Week Two – Processing Costs Student Name ACC 650 January 26, 2021 BENCHMARK – Processing Costs 2 Chapter 4, problem 16 • • • Use the Internet to access the website for Weyerhaeuser (, International Paper (, or Boise Cascade ( Required: Skim over the information presented on the website about the company’s products and operations. Then discuss why process costing is an appropriate product-costing method for this company. Answer: Boise Cascade Boise Cascade is a buildings materials supply company that deals with numerous merchandise that are used in construction business. Boise Cascade supplies a diverse of products like wood, metal, roofing materials, etc. The company has focused on supplying construction materials. Their materials they use and sell are from plants, m ...
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