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Mkt607 digital business plan

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Digital Business Plan
Student Name
December 4, 2020

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Digital Business Plan
Digital marketing is using all of electronic means to market a business and their products.
Which includes Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads and emails among others. There are a lot of
good reasons as to why a company uses a digital market. Digital marketing is more cost
effective as compared to traditional marketing methods (Chaffey, & Ellis-Chadwick, 2019). The
advantage of using digital marketing is that a business that has any budget can take advantage of
that digital market budget. A good thing about digital market is that a business doesn’t need a
large amount of money to start digital marketing and they will be able to enjoy it as well.
Businesses have that little capital, they can market through Facebook, Instagram or using Google
There are many different approaches that are used to help growth for a company. Social
media marketing is the first strategy. Most marketers in different businesses have said that social
media is very valuable. In this generation, companies have made more of their profit through
social media. Social media has a spotlight of the business to the rest of the world and not just
their area of the business. Social media marketing is so important because it creates loyal
customers that keep coming back to purchase more products, it is also very cost-effective,
increases the exposures and the amount of people visit their social media, increases company
sales, improves the level of search and generates leads and finally it establishes thought
leadership (Kotler, Armstrong, Harker, & Brennan, 1990). The second strategy is the pay-per-
click marketing. This where search engines like Google are used to draw visitors to the
company’s website. It’s an excellent marketing tool since it generates sales-ready leads. And
lastly, there is influencer marketing. This is a good marketing tool to use on Social Media
platforms such as Instagram and Tik Tok for startups to grow their brands. It is cheap and it

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Running head: DIGITAL BUSINESS PLAN 1 Digital Business Plan Student Name MKT-607 December 4, 2020 BENCHMARK – DIGITAL BUSINESS PLAN 2 Digital Business Plan Digital marketing is using all of electronic means to market a business and their products. Which includes Facebook, Instagram, Google Ads and emails among others. There are a lot of good reasons as to why a company uses a digital market. “Digital marketing is more cost effective as compared to traditional marketing methods” (Chaffey, & Ellis-Chadwick, 2019). The advantage of using digital marketing is that a business that has any budget can take advantage of that digital market budget. A good thing about digital market is that a business doesn’t need a large amount of money to start digital marketing and they will be able to enjoy it as well. Businesses have that little capital, they can market through Facebook, Instagram or using Google ads. There are many different approaches that are used to help growth for a company. Social media marketing is the first strategy. Most marketers in different businesses have said that social media is very valuable. In this generation, companies have made more of their profit thro ...
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