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Punnett square practice

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Punnett square practice Instructions: ❏ In “real life,” I’d have lots of handouts! So I hope this works for you! ❏ If you can complete the work on this document, then share it with me and submit to the assignment post. ❏ If you’d rather write this out on paper, then include all of the required information --including the P-square!- and submit a photo of your work to the assignment post. 1. In seals, the gene for the length of the whiskers has two alleles. ● The dominant allele (A) codes ● The recessive allele (a) codes for short whiskers. ● Analyze a cross between two parents by completing the table of information and then the Punnett square. NOTE: For this trait, each parent has 2 alleles. It’s not a sex-linked trait. Father is homozygous short whiskers. Mother is heterozygous for this trait. What is the genotype for each parent? (Refer to information above.) aa Aa Complete the Punnett square. What is the expected ratio of short:long whiskers? You can write a percent, fraction, or ratio. Be sure to label the phenotype. a A a a Aa Aa a a 2 short: 2 long 50/50 Snorks live at CHS, but only come out of their hiding places when students are in c ...
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