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Homeostasis worksheet

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parameter High or Low Why dangerous Sensor Integration Center Effector Body temperature Hyperthermia denatures proteins (enzymes, transporters, receptors) and nucleic acids DNS Thermorecep tors hypothalamu s SNS activation of sweat glands, vasodilation of skin vessels Hypothermia slows cellular activity (slow enzymes, slow cell communicati on, muscle contraction) decreases kinetic energy thermorecept ors Hypothalamu s SNS activation causes piloerection, vasoconstricti on of skin vessels, shivering Alkalosis denatures proteins (enzymes, transporters, receptors) and nucleic acids DNAaffects hydrogen bonds chemorecept ors brainstem Buffers, respiratory systembradypnea, urinary reabsorption of H+ and secretion of HCO3- Acidosis denatures proteins (enzymes, transporters, receptors) and nucleic acids DNA-affects hydrogen bonds chemorecept ors brainstem Buffers, respiratory systembradypnea, urinary reabsorption of HCO3and secretion of H+ Hyperoxia Free radials/ dull Reactivate Chemorecept oxygen ors species can cause cellular brainstem Respiratory musclesbradypnea pH pO2 damage blood pressure calcium Hypoxia low cellular respiration/lo w ATP/ can't do cellular work peripheral chemorecept ors brainstem respiratory musclestachypnea, pulmonary arteriolar vasoconstricti on, systemic arteriolar dilation Hypertension damage kidney, strain heart (hypertrophy eventually) strains blood vessels, decreases cardiac output -Baroreceptor Medulla s Oblon ...
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