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Discussion Building Trust.edited

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Miami University
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Sales Education How To Build Customer Trust
The video "Sales Education - How to Build Customer Trust" discusses the topic that
evaluates true and perceived understanding of Trust and explains trust's key factors and
elements. After watching the video and analyzing Trust's discussions in the OMSP book, I
believe that Trust is built on four key elements: credibility, positive relationships, consistency,
and expertise. Of these, positive relationships are the most important as people trust those who
build positive relationships, show concern, and demonstrate honesty. Credibility and expertise go
hand in hand as customers are more ready to trust salespeople who are knowledgeable and well-
Additionally, the consistency as an element of Trust means that Trust is a practice rather
than a process. It is all about walking the talk and continuously having the customer's best
interests at heart. Furthermore, the topic of Trust is of great significance to sales and business in
general. Trust-based selling is vital to any business's success, and being trustworthy is the first
step to being successful in making sales. Once you build trust with a customer, it is easier to
convince them to buy your products or services. Making future sales to recurring customers
becomes easy, and customers get more comfortable discussing their needs with people they
consider trustworthy.
Trust being a requirement for every sale leads us to the question, "how do we earn trust?"
Trust-based selling is a practice, not a process (Traylor). Therefore, earning Trust is a practice
that should be built around the core elements of Trust and consistently putting the customer first.
To earn Trust, you have to be consistent in delivering value and results to the customer. The
second step is making sure that you are available to connect with the customers when they need
you. Reliability is critical to earning Trust, while predictability is key to enabling the customer to
have clear expectations. Practicing these values is sure to ensure that you earn the trust of your
An incident I remember on how I gained someone's Trust happened sometime back with
a particular guy Marvin. Having heard about cryptocurrency, Marvin was very interested in
trading and purchasing Bitcoins. He was then referred to me by a mutual friend as I had been
purchasing the cryptocurrency for some time, and he wanted me to sell him some get him started.
At the time, I politely declined to sell him but encouraged him to wait for the market prices to go
down so that he could purchase them from online vendors on trading platforms. I was sure that
the prices would go down, having observed the trends for quite some time. The prices would
later go down, and Marvin would buy them at better rates. Later on, he was impressed at how I
helped him get a good deal as Bitcoins' value kept rising after purchasing them. This Trust would
sure help us both as he later bought some more Bitcoins from me without any doubts.

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Surname 1 Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Name: Course Code Date Sales Education – How To Build Customer Trust The video "Sales Education - How to Build Customer Trust" discusses the topic that evaluates true and perceived understanding of Trust and explains trust's key factors and elements. After watching the video and analyzing Trust's discussions in the OMSP book, I believe that Trust is built on four key elements: credibility, positive relationships, consistency, and expertise. Of these, positive relationships are the most important as people trust those who build positive r ...
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