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Creating Date Driven Instruction

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Grand Canyon University
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Creating Date Driven Instruction
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Recommendations for students who scored below grade level
One strategy to use for students who scored below grade level is breaking down the
assignment. It is important to modify the assignment or task and other classroom activities to
make them easier for all learners. Breaking down the assignment or instructional content requires
all complex topics to be broken down into understandable concepts. In the reading lesson, the
passages are simplified. Another strategy is to use guided practice (Eredics, 2016). In this
strategy, teachers will guide student engagement and response by use of graphic organizers or
outlines. This will make it easy for learners to follow.
Cooperative learning activities are also the best for students below grade level. Partner or
peer learning, group tasks, and think-pair-share activities will allow the learners to learn from
one another. The other strategy is to differentiate tasks and content for this group of learners
(Eredics, 2016). This is recommended if the task at hand cannot be simplified for the students;
they can take another task but on the same topic. For instance, giving learners different
phonological awareness tasks but all assess around the same content but simpler than another.
Recommendations and strategies for students who scored at grade level
Students performing at grade level can improve or drop; thus, the instructor should focus
on helping them maintain their performance or improve. Reading at grade level means the
student has mastered all reading skills for that grade (Baker et al., 2018). It is recommended that
the instructor sets up high standards or expectations for these students. By setting up high
reading expectations, students will build on the knowledge they have. The students will
encounter complex tasks that will build their skills. Another strategy is also to keep the students

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RUNNING HEAD: CREATING DATA DRIVEN INSTRUCTON Creating Date Driven Instruction Student’s name: Course: Instructor’s name: Date of submission: 1 CREATING DATA DRIVEN INSTRUCTION 2 Recommendations for students who scored below grade level One strategy to use for students who scored below grade level is breaking down the assignment. It is important to modify the assignment or task and other classroom activities to make them easier for all learners. Breaking down the assignment or instructional content requires all complex topics to be broken down into understandable concepts. In the reading lesson, the passages are simplified. Another strategy is to use guided practice (Eredics, 2016). In this strategy, teachers will guide student engagement and response by use of graphic organizers or outlines. This will make it easy for learners to follow. Cooperative learning activities are also the best for students below grade level. Partner or peer learning, group tasks, and think-pair-share activities will allow the learners to learn from one another. The other strategy is to differentiate tasks and content for this group of learners (Eredics, 2016). This is recommended if the task at ...
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