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Leadership Strategies 1 .edited.edited

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Colorado State University
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Leadership Strategies
Student's Full Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Full Name
Instructor’s Name
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Leadership strategies
Leadership is indispensable in accomplishing organizational goals and visions; proper
administration from the management committee of a company determines the direction of the
flow and whether missions set are to be performed or become a setback to the organization
(Shah,2018). Leaders need to create a link of connections with employees for maximum and
effective delivery of operations. Teamwork plus the necessary leadership qualities, easier
communication, and bold decision making become platforms of procedures to prevent future
problems and promote organizational effectiveness.
Starbucks is a Washington-based coffee company operating in most states in America. It
has an enormous chain of coffeehouses and roaster stocks (Azriuddin et al.,2020). Its primary
vision is to stabilize operations to become the world's best coffee company while setting its
highest competition with the smoothest coffee ever in the market. The management leadership
significantly impacts the company's operations. Its leader Schultz incredibly backs up Starbucks'
vision; he has a clear vision and motivational integrity and substantially creates a partnership
culture with the employees (Azriuddin et al.,2020). With the collaboration between the
management led by Schultz and the employees, the company's vision remains the main reason
for effective operations.
However, leadership has to be followed accordingly by the workforce and management
for productivity. If the team does not heed the company's rules and operations, its productivity
will decrease, creating a weak bottom line. Also, the reason for outstanding employee turnover
originates from the team's poor leadership disobeying the leadership depicted in the company.
The morale lowers since no direction concerning the essential aspects is delivered from the

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1 Leadership Strategies Student's Full Name Institutional Affiliation Course Full Name Instructor’s Name Due Date 2 Leadership strategies Leadership is indispensable in accomplishing organizational goals and visions; proper administration from the management committee of a company determines the direction of the flow and whether missions set are to be performed or become a setback to the organization (Shah,2018). Leaders need to create a link of connections with employees for maximum and effective delivery of operations. Teamwork plus the necessary leadership qualities, easier communication, and bold decision making become platforms of procedures to prevent future problems and promote organizational effectiveness. Starbucks is a Washington-based coffee company operating in most states in America. It has an enormous chain of coffeehouses and roaster stocks (Azriuddin et al.,2020). Its primary vision is to stabilize operations to become the world's best coffee company while setting its highest competition with the smoothest coffee ever in the market. The management leadership significantly impacts the company's operations. Its leader Schultz incredibly backs up Starbucks' vision; he has a clear vision and motivational integrity and substantially creates a partnership culture with the employees (Azriuddin et al.,2020). With the collaboration between the management led by Schultz and the employees, the company's vision remains the main reason for effective operations. Howev ...
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Really useful study material!


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