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Brittany maynard case edited

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Brittany Maynard Case
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Brittany Maynard Case
The Brittany Maynard case is a touching one; she was diagnosed with terminal brain
cancer, which has no cure. She then preferred to be transferred to Oregon, away from California,
where she was born, because Oregon was the only state that permitted medication administration
to end her life. Ethically this is a contention issue, and as a professional medical practitioner, this
was a wrong move, though a subject to debate (Evenblij et al.,2019). The discussion herein will
use the Brittany Maynard case to defend a professional position based on the code of ethics,
policies, and professional regulations.
Life is sacred, and no one should be allowed to take their own life; the principle of ethics
demands the respect of life and human dignity. Even in the worse conditions, professional
medical practitioners are always advised to save a life (Fremgen 2016). Professional medical
regulations require medics to do all they can to save a life, and they should do this to last the
patient's breath. Moreover, every physician must take a professional oath to protect and save life
as much as they can. Medical policies recognize respect for life and require every medic to ask
selflessly to save a life.
Brittany Maynard's case poses a lot of challenges on medical professionalism, and one
may be left little or no choice to make. In a scenario where my professional position and personal
stand come into conflict, the professional position becomes the supreme choice. Medical
practitioners are always required to selfless and perform their duties without any personal
interest (Evenblij et al.,2019). Some choices we make in our lives can be challenging to make
but for the sake of another person's interest and professional dictates.

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BRITTANY MAYNARD CASE 1 Brittany Maynard Case Students Name Institutional Affiliation Course Date BRITTANY MAYNARD CASE 2 Brittany Maynard Case The Brittany Maynard case is a touching one; she was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, which has no cure. She then preferred to be transferred to Oregon, away from California, where she was born, because Oregon was the only state that permitted medication administration to end her life. Ethically this is a contention issue, and as a professional medical practitioner, this was a wrong move, though a subject to debate (Evenblij et al.,2019). The discussion herein will use the Brittany Maynard case to defend a professional position based on the code of ethics, policies, and professional regulations. Life is sacred, and no one should be allowed to take their own life; the principle of ethics demands the respect of life and human dignity. Ev ...
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