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Detailed Financial Statement 1

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University of the Incarnate Word
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General Fund - General Ledger # date 1 Jan. 1 Journal Entries Encumbrances Budgetary Fund Balance Reserve for Encumbrances To re-establish outstanding encumbrances debits 9,288 OFU - Transfer out to Enterprise Fund Cash To record tranfer to enterprise fund 300,000 credits bb 9,288 5 6 19 3 Feb. 1 4 Jan. 1 5 Jan. 10 CASH 26,000 510,000 3,520,000 1,148,000 300,000 28 300,000 9,124 900,000 500,000 2,337,000 805,000 281,250 3 7 bb 8 6 11 20 TAXES RECEIVABLE 3,700,000 3,520,000 6 13,000 6 6 167,000 22 additional credit account 6 7 31-Jan Taxes Receivable Estimated Uncollectible taxes Revenue- Property taxes To record property tax levy Cash Taxes receivable To record property tax collections Estimated uncollectible taxes Taxes receivable To record write-off of uncollectible taxes Jan. 5 5,500 11 18 Mar. 31 Nov. 30 510,000 8 18,500 3,681,500 21 - 35,000 21 300,000 3,520,000 RESERVE FOR ENCUMBRANCES 3,520,000 PROPERTY TAX REVENUE 805,000 39,000 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES 510,000 5 EDUCATION PROGRAM FEE REVENUE 80,000 19 13,000 Encumbrances Budgetary Fund Balance Reserve for Encumbrances To record ordering supplies Budgetary Fund Balance Reserve for Encumbrances Encumbrances Supplies inventory Accounts payable To record receipt of supplies Accounts payable Cash To record payment for supplies 940,000 OFU - Transfer out to (CPF) Cash To record transfer to CPF for school building 500,000 Encumbrances Budgetary Fund Balance Reserve for ...
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