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Strayer University
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Hello, Indeed, the case of Hewlett Packard acquiring Autonomy. Corp is a clear
example of underestimation of the financial evaluation process. HP blindly
compromised its financial statement and status by the acquisition of an already
compromised company. Autonomy did not come clean to indicate its responsibility
and inappropriate mishandling of its financial status. As such, it should have been the
onus of HP to perform a transparent investigation and analysis of the company's
financial status through audits and other means meant to give accurate details of a
company. This example dictates some of the liabilities a company might inherit
through mergers and acquisitions. As seen, most of these compromises are hidden
until it is too late.
I concede with your finding on the efforts that companies should make to thwart
or mitigate such occurrences. Companies should always conduct a comprehensive
analysis of the organizations they wish to acquire or merge with. Failure to do this
would result in unseen financial mishaps. It should be noted that compromisation are
not limited to finances but other factors such as cyber vulnerabilities that might
compromise the company further (Half, 2018). Companies should analyze the most
significant risks in an organization before such endeavors. Until all possible scenarios
and cases are evaluated, mergers or acquisitions should not be committed.

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1 REPLY Reply Student’s Name Institution REPLY 2 Hello, Indeed, the case of Hewlett Packard acquiring Autonomy. Corp is a clear example of underestimation of the financial evaluation process. HP blindly compromised its financial statement and status by the acquisition of an already compromised company. Autonomy did not come clean to indicate its responsibility and inappropriate mishandling of its financial status. As such, it should have been the onus of HP to perform a transparent investigation and analysis of the company's financial status through audits and other means meant to give accurate details of a company. This example dictates some of the liabilities a company might inherit through mergers and acquisitions. As seen, most of these compromises are hidden until it is too late. I concede with your finding on the efforts that companies should make to thwart or mitigate such ...
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I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.


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