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Mkt 501 Case 4

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Trident University International
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Portable Solar Panel – Markups and Margins
Jason Valero
Mkt 501 case 4

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Portable Solar Panel – Markups and Margins
Portable solar panel falls in the mechanical and electrical engineering sector. The
portable solar panel is s type of solar panel that harnesses solar energy and converts it into
electrical energy that can be used for various functions like lighting, powering up electrical
gadgets like radios among other uses. This type of solar panel is an efficient gadget since one can
move from one place to another, with the solar panel very comfortably. It means that the gadget
is not rigid. This makes it very useful to persons whose lives are bestowed on movements
especially in remote areas where electricity is a major problem, and solar energy is available.
These persons include nomads. In the environmental conservation, this portable solar panel is
very ideal as it uses solar energy, which has no waste products, hence, no pollution is witnessed,
unlike in oil or carbon fuel, which emits carbon, which is considered to be harmful to the
Margins and Markups
Despite the size of the operations of a particular business that involves itself with
products sale, it has to struggle with the cost price and the selling price. However, calculation of
these numbers ranges in complexity and hence, the underlying principle remains the same, that
is, one has to price the product in a way that ensures the costs are covered and that every person
involved in that process enjoys the profits.
In this case, margin can be described as the product of the sales, minus cost of the goods
sold (COGS). For instance, if the selling price of a product is $100 and it costs the manufacturer
$60 to manufacture the product, then its margin will be calculated as $40. Represented in
percentage form, it will be 40%. There are two main factors that affect the profit margin. The
quantitative factors and qualitative factors. The very obvious, broad and easily identifiable

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Running head: PORTABLE SOLAR PANEL – MARKUPS AND MARGINS Portable Solar Panel – Markups and Margins Jason Valero Mkt 501 case 4 1 PORTABLE SOLAR PANEL – MARKUPS AND MARGINS 2 Portable Solar Panel – Markups and Margins Portable solar panel falls in the mechanical and electrical engineering sector. The portable solar panel is s type of solar panel that harnesses solar energy and converts it into electrical energy that can be used for various functions like lighting, powering up electrical gadgets like radios among other uses. This type of solar panel is an efficient gadget since one can move from one place to another, with the solar panel very comfortably. It means that the gadget is not rigid. This makes it very useful to persons whose lives are bestowed on movements especially in remote areas where electricity is a major problem, and solar energy is available. These persons include nomads. In the environmental conservation, this portable solar panel is very ideal as it uses solar energy, which has no waste products, hence, no pollution is witnessed, unlike in oil or carbon fuel, which emits carbon, which is considered to be harmful to the environment. Margins and Markups Despite the size of the operations of a particular business that involves itself with products sale, it has to struggle with the cost price and the selling price. However, calculation of these numbers ranges in complexity and hence, the underlying principle remains the same, that is, one has to ...
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