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Technology and biblical world view

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Running Head: TECHNOLOGY 1
Technology and Biblical World View
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Article Review
The article I choose in this discussion is, “Facebook data harvesting scandal widens to 87
million people.” Facebook comes with multiple new technologies that widen the number of
scandals across the world. Many companies across the world are associated with unethical
behaviors in the integration methods of data entry and technology ("Facebook says privacy
scandal includes records of 87 million people," 2018) . The issue of discussion in this article
happened two years ago. The article provides some details on information technology, which is
associated with special software used in accounting. The article was retrieved from the
publication of NBC News, which indicates that Facebook made an announcement more than 87
million people have their user data shared improperly. This was recorded according to
Cambridge Analytica reports their analysis evidence and facts on President Donald Trump
campaigns. The company was collecting data from different Facebook users and developing
quizzes for users to download for use in their profile. With this activity, Cambridge Analytics
was able to access a personal account on Facebook to initiate different political ads. They were
able to build a system where US citizens could view political ads that were initiated according to
personality traits. Facebook company was allowing this unethical act to increase their revenue in
their financial reports.
The quiz app was changing how the Facebook account works to allow connectivity with
potential users. According to accounting information system (AIS) the quiz app was helping in
collecting, storing, and processing data through computer-based methods. The featured works
show how the Facebook company has changed how recovery and search account works to allow
people to search other users by using an email address or phone number ("Facebook says privacy
scandal includes records of 87 million people," 2018). With this activity, it was possible to find

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Running Head: TECHNOLOGY 1 Technology and Biblical World View Student’s Name: Institution Affiliation: TECHNOLOGY 2 Article Review The article I choose in this discussion is, “Facebook data harvesting scandal widens to 87 million people.” Facebook comes with multiple new technologies that widen the number of scandals across the world. Many companies across the world are associated with unethical behaviors in the integration methods of data entry and technology ("Facebook says privacy scandal includes records of 87 million people," 2018) . The issue of discussion in this article happened two years ago. The article provides some details on information technology, which is associated with special software used in accounting. The article was retrieved from the publication of NBC News, which indicates that Facebook made an announcement more than 87 million people have their user data shared improperly. This was recorded according to Cambridge Analytica reports their analysis evidence and facts on President Donald Trump campaigns. The company was collecting data from different Facebook users and developing quizzes for users to download for use in their profile. With this activity, Cambridge Analytics was able to access a personal account on Facebook to initiate different political ads. They were able to build a system where US citizens could view political ads that were initiated according to personality traits. Facebook company was allowing this unethical act to increa ...
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