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Health care websites

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Health Care Websites
Department, University
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Health Care Websites
Health care is a topic in every individual’s mind. From traditional diseases to the current
coronavirus health crisis, health care issues are emerging, and there are top websites that address
such issues. This paper compares some of the health care websites.
The first website is which drives and shapes market-based solutions (AHIP,
2019). It also offers public policy plans to improve health, financial security, and affordability. It
advocates for public policies which enhance healthcare coverage to US citizens.
The other site to consider is Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS), a federation of thirty-six
separate health insurance companies in the US (BCBS, 2021). They provide health insurance
services to over 106 million individuals in America. Additionally, the company offers global
coverage that meets the unique needs of international individuals. The organization has joined
forces with other organizations to lower the costs of some generic medications.
The next site to consider is Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI). EBRI is a
nonprofit and nonpartisan institute of research that solely focuses on data and research
(Employee Benefit Research Institute, 2021). The institute carries and produces original
researches on savings, economic security, retirement, and health. Besides, this body researches
health and retirement plan coverage.
Healthgrades is another site to look at and is an American organization that provides
people with information about, hospitals, health care providers, and doctors (Healthgrades,
2021). The company has amassed information regarding over three million health care providers
in the US. The site allows individuals to find health care services quickly, and they are allowed
to compare from a variety.

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1 Health Care Websites Name Department, University Course Number: Course Name Instructor Date 2 Health Care Websites Health care is a topic in every individual’s mind. From traditional diseases to the current coronavirus health crisis, health care issues are emerging, and there are top websites that address such issues. This paper compares some of the health care websites. The first website is which drives and shapes market-based solutions (AHIP, 2019). It also offers public policy plans to improve health, financial security, and affordability. It advocates for public policies which enhance healthcare coverage to US citizens. The other site to consider is Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS), a federation of thirty-six separate health insurance companies in the US (BCBS, 2021). They provide health insurance services to over 106 million individuals in America. Additionally, the company offers global coverage that meets the unique needs of international individuals. The organization has joined forces with other organizations to lower the costs of some generic medications. The next site to consider is Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI). EBRI is a nonprofit and nonparti ...
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Really useful study material!
