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Varied experiences of life during the great depression

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Varied Experiences of Life during the Great Depression
Department, University
Course Number: Course Name

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Varied Experiences of Life during the Great Depression
The great depression changed American political and social institutions. It transformed
people’s relationships with the nation and the world, and it changed the way people thought
about themselves. People were overwhelmed, no one understood the depression. It challenged
everyone, and individual's experiences were changed. During Hoover’s administration, the
defining event in the US was a great depression which was ranked as the second and greatest
domestic crisis in the history of America. The crisis shaped the politics of the country, culture,
economics, and its causes and consequences varied both temporally and regionally. This essay
evaluates the varied experiences of life during the great depression.
The immigrants were hit hard by the crisis. The majority of those who were migrating to
the country were of eastern or southern European descent and they dwelt in big cities in
America. They were not well-paid since they worked in low-paying occupations while others
worked in manufacturing industries. The chief problem that faced immigrants during the crisis
was unemployment since those who lost their jobs could not regain them or secure new ones
(Hamilton, 2016). Additionally, the immigrant-owned entities collapsed, and their
haberdasheries, butcher shops, and banks were hit hard by the depression. Besides, Congress
passed laws to restrict immigrant admissions to the country reducing the number of newcomers
into the country. Some were deported back to their country of origin (NPR, 2013). The levels of
immigrants depressed until the country started to recover from the shock.

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1 Varied Experiences of Life during the Great Depression Name Department, University Course Number: Course Name Instructor Date 2 Varied Experiences of Life during the Great Depression The great depression changed American political and social institutions. It transformed people’s relationships with the nation and the world, and it changed the way people thought about themselves. People were overwhelmed, no one understood the depression. It challenged everyone, and individual's experiences were changed. During Hoover’s administration, the defining event in the US was a great depression which was ranked as the second and greatest domestic crisis in the history of America. The crisis shaped the politics of the country, culture, economics, and its causes and consequences varied both temporally and regionally. This essay evaluates the varied experiences of life during the great depression. Immigrants The immigrants were hit hard by the crisis. The majority of those who were migrating to the country were of eastern or southern European descent and they dwelt in big cities in America. They were not well-paid since they worked in low-paying occupations while others worked in manufacturing industries. The chief problem that faced immigrants during the crisis was unemployment since those who lost their jobs could not regain them or secure new ones (Hamilton, 2016). Additionally, the immigrant-owned entities collapsed, and their haberdasheries, butcher shops, and banks were hit ...
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