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Fintech case study

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Fintech: Choosing a Cloud Services Provider
MBA Case Study
1. Joe Kwo recognizes that the cloud offers both opportunities and risks.
a. How would a move to the cloud make it easier and/or more profitable for Fintech
to provide large volumes of selected data to its clients?
Fintech moving to a cloud service will offer financial savings and ease of use and maintainability
in multiple ways:

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First, there will no need to purchase hardware to store data, manage software
development, or allow access to the customer base. If more hardware resources are needed the
cloud provider will be able to scale up availability when needed and scale down when less
availability is required. This can be a very expense component if Fintech was to continue to
procure and maintain the hardware themselves.
Second, Fintech would only be charged for capacity-on-demand. “Fees can be based on
transaction volumes rather than large up-front investments.” (Pearlson et al., 2020). In Fintech’s
case, customer access can vary from day-to-day and week-to-week. There is a real potential to
save costs by only being charged when a customer accesses data. The alternative expense would
be to maintain a usage availability of the potential peak of customer usage requiring a constant
high level of available bandwidth, processor capability, batch processing. A cloud solution will
provide the proper scalability as needed and therefore providing a cost savings.
Moving to the cloud would save the cost of technology advances. As Fintech would only
be paying for the software they use and develop as a service, there would be no sunk-cost if a
software platform would to be replaced with another one that may offer more aligned capabilities
at least for the software itself. Often a company can spend a great deal on a software that is
owned and is stuck using that software even when it no longer provides the best solution to the
organization current requirements. Using a cloud solution removes that obstacle of obsolescence
by reducing upfront costs and allow for much greater flexibility.
Maintainability and ease of use might be an even greater solution offered by moving to a
cloud service provider. Infrastructure is no longer a need to manage as it is handled by the
service provider. If something goes wrong, the cloud service provider will deal with it whether it

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Fintech: Choosing a Cloud Services Provider MBA Case Study 1. Joe Kwo recognizes that the cloud offers both opportunities and risks. a. How would a move to the cloud make it easier and/or more profitable for Fintech to provide large volumes of selected data to its clients? Fintech moving to a cloud service will offer financial savings and ease of use and maintainability in multiple ways: First, there will no need to purchase hardware to store data, manage software development, or allow access to the customer base. If more hardware resources are needed the cloud provider will be able to scale up availability when needed and scale down when less availability is required. This can be a very expense component if Fintech was to continue to procure and maintain the hardware themselves. Second, Fintech would only be charged for capacity-on-demand. “Fees can be based on transaction volumes rather than large up-front investments.” (Pearlson et al., 2020). In Fintech’s case, customer access can vary from day-to-day and week-to-week. There is a real potential to save costs by only being charged when a customer accesses data. The alternative expense would be to maintain a usage availability of the potential peak of customer usage requiring a constant high level of available bandwidth, processor capability, batch processing. A cloud solution will provide the proper scalability as needed and therefore providing a cost savings. Moving to the cloud would save the cost of technology ...
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