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Cropin case study

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Cropin Technology Solutions: Farm Management
Through Digitization
MBA Case Study

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1 Discuss the inefficiencies in the Indian agricultural sector as identified in the case.
Identify the problem in the case and connect it to the inefficiencies discussed.
India’s economy was so heavily dependent on agriculture that it made up to about 10% of India’s
total exports. For this reason, ArgiSeeder urgently needed a solution when they realized that in
less than ten years their rejection rate of seeds increased by 14% (CropIn Technology Solutions,
2018). With agriculture businesses in India having minimal or outdated technology, the need for
digitization became the clear solution to increase yields and reduce the rejection rate of their
Indian agriculture’s current farming practices faced a multitude of inefficiencies they had to
overcome to increase yield and farming income. First, their ineffective collaboration of their
supply chain data burdened farming companies by limited traceability and operational visibility.
Because of this, seed production companies lacked data collection, traceability and quality
management which lead to poor output predictability and ineffective management. In addition,
agri-input companies had low visibility to fertilizer issues, seed sales, crop protection, nutrients
and farm machinery which led to inefficient operations. Financial institutions faced risk
assessment issues because of lack of information on historical performance and risk profiles of
their clients. Crop insurance providers had high operational costs due to the amount of travel and
time it took to gather data for farmer registration. Governments and advisories faced visibility
challenges while trying to ensure the sustainability and consistency of food, feed and fiber.
AgriSeeder had the agricultural experience to produce high quality rice due to their inherent
research but for AgriSeeder to remain one of the world’s leading seed companies, they would
have to develop a digital strategy that would allow them to adapt to the standard operating
procedures for each variety of crop produced. This digital solution would in turn mitigate the

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1 Cropin Technology Solutions: Farm Management Through Digitization MBA Case Study 2 1 Discuss the inefficiencies in the Indian agricultural sector as identified in the case. Identify the problem in the case and connect it to the inefficiencies discussed. India’s economy was so heavily dependent on agriculture that it made up to about 10% of India’s total exports. For this reason, ArgiSeeder urgently needed a solution when they realized that in less than ten years their rejection rate of seeds increased by 14% (CropIn Technology Solutions, 2018). With agriculture businesses in India having minimal or outdated technology, the need for digitization became the clear solution to increase yields and reduce the rejection rate of their seeds. Indian agriculture’s current farming practices faced a multitude of inefficiencies they had to overcome to increase yield and farming income. First, their ineffective collaboration of their supply chain data burdened farming companies by limited traceability and operational visibility. Because of this, seed production companies lacked data collection, traceability and quality management which lead to poor output predictability and ineffective management. In addition, agri-input companies had low visibility to fertilizer issues, seed sales, crop protection, nutrients and farm machinery which led to inefficient operations. Financial institutions faced risk assessment issues because of lack of information on historical performance and ri ...
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