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Zero hour contracts

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Zero-Hour Contracts 1
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Zero-Hour Contracts 2
Zero-hour Contract and Capacity Management
Executive summary
Managers have been using zero-hours contracts among in mized strategies for
capacity management.
The debate on the widespread use zero-hours contracts takes the focus of fitting
these contract within the scope of productive economy
There are many advantages the explain the popularity of the trend amond them
management of demand, numerical flexibility and diversity of the workforce.
There is still apparent lack of rigor for extensive application of zero-hours contracts
in large workforces and risk of exploitation.
The effects of zero-hours contracts affect all stakeholders, the enterprise and social
There is a risk of abuse of zero-contract hours by managers as a management tool in
place of valid measures for such.
Zero-hours contracts are not provding a way out of low wage incomes and promotes
a downward spiral of the economy.
Given the extense of application that is on the rise, zero-hours contracts should be
integrated in capacity management for better outcomes in the economic relationship.
A wide range of managerial decisions has been tried out in the recent past in attempts to
implement strategies for better capacity management and planning. The decisions have not only had
to do with measures of capacity that are different in every industry, but also utilization. Managers
have also had to draw insight on the economies of scale and scope and diseconomies of scale when
devising their capacity strategies (Armistead, 1991). Top managers, however, agree that capacity
decisions are critical corporate lead times, responsiveness, cost management and overall
competitiveness (Hou, 2003). One aspect of industry that has shaped most decisions has been the

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Zero-Hour Contracts 1 ZERO-HOUR CONTRACTS AND CAPACITY MANAGEMENT By [Name] Student Name Institution Course Title and Number Date Zero-Hour Contracts 2 Zero-hour Contract and Capacity Management Executive summary • Managers have been using zero-hours contracts among in mized strategies for capacity management. • The debate on the widespread use zero-hours contracts takes the focus of fitting these contract within the scope of productive economy • There are many advantages the explain the popularity of the trend amond them management of demand, numerical flexibility and diversity of the workforce. • There is still apparent lack of rigor for extensive application of zero-hours contracts in large workforces and risk of exploitation. • The effects of zero-hours contracts affect all stakeholders, the enterprise and social environment. • There is a risk of abuse of zero-contract hours by managers as a management tool in place of valid measures for such. • Zero-hours contracts are not provding a way out of low wage incomes and promotes a downward spiral of the economy. • Given the extense of application that is on the rise, zero-hours contracts should be integrated in capacity management for better outcomes in the economic relationship. Introduction A wide range of managerial decisions has been tried out in the recent past in attempts to implement strategies for better capacity management and planning. The decisions have not only had to do with ...
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