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Phy2049l 1 report22 caballero

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Lisbeth Caballero Lab Report 22 Lisbeth Caballero PHY 2049 Lab Monday Class 3:00 P.M.- 4:40 P.M. Lab #22 Ohm’s Lab Report 1 Lisbeth Caballero Lab Report 22 Ohm’s Law A. Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to study three electrical units. We will measure the difference in energy per unit charge between two points in a circuit, for this we will use the unit of Voltage (V) or Potential Difference. Additionally, we need to measure the flow of charge in a circuit, rate of water flow, the unit used for this would-be Ampere (A) which would be the Current. To conclude the experiment the measurement of the difficulty for current to flow in a circuit will also need to be measured, the unit used for this measurement would be ohm (Ω) or Resistance. B. Apparatus: C. Procedure: We first must set up the data collection app and set it up with the instructions provided for the lab. After it has been set up, we must record the values for the resistor in our data table. Then we collect the first point of current and potential data, we set the power supply to 0V and then we keep the record of (A) and (V). Then we increase the potential to 0.5 V we 2 Lisbeth Caballero Lab Report 22 3 record the data to the record another data pair. After this we increase the (v) by 0.5 V and record the data. After we should repeat this process until the potential is 5.0 V. After the power supply has been set back to 0V, two graphs should be displayed in the screen. View just a single graph of (pot ...
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