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Chapter 2 calculations

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2.1 2. 4/6 = divide by 2 = 2/3
2.3 9. 4.357 = 4.36 because 7 is greater than half
2.5 1. a. 8:96 = divide by 8 = 1/12
b. 3:15 = divide by 3 = 1/5
c. 8:16 = divide by 8 = 1/2
d. 12:72 = divide by 12 = 1/6
e. 5:7 = prime so this is the simplest form
2.7 4. 130+135+132+126+120+122+124=889/7=127
2.7 5. $13.87+$14.02+$15.56+$15.75+$16.32=$75.52/5=$15.10

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2.1 2. 4/6 = divide by 2 = 2/3 2.3 9. 4.357 = 4.36 because 7 is greater than half 2.5 1. a. 8:96 = divide by 8 = 1/12 b. 3:15 = divide by 3 = 1/5 c. 8:16 = divide by 8 = 1/2 d. 12:72 = divide by 12 = 1/6 e. 5:7 = prime so this is the simplest form 2.7 4. 130+135+132+126+120+122+124=889/7=127 2.7 5. ...
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