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The History Of Sculpted Women 4 .edited

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The Sculpture is considered the most important piece of art. It frightens the parts other
forms of art cannot attain. Sculptures of women come in different sizes, shapes and also from
different cultures across the world. As I watched the documentary on sculpted women's history,
the artworks that made an impression on me included; Venus of Willendorf. She is considered to
be the great great great great grandmother of Alison lapper. She is the first masterpiece of the
Sculpture of the globe. This Sculpture was made over 25,000 years ago and was first found in
Austria in the village of Villain Dorf; hence was given the name Venus of Willendorf. She had
no legs; hence could neither stand up nor walk and was therefore made to be carried around. This
Sculpture is so small and portable. She is considered a lucky charm (as stated in minute 9:44).
She was carried around to bring good luck to women who desired to get pregnant. She was
endowed with very big breasts, a big stomach, and had a puffy cleft between her legs, and these
are very prominent features of motherhood. She was therefore regarded as a fertility figure and
brought good luck to women that desired children. The Sculpture is based in London and weighs
around 13 tons of marble, and she shows off herself naked to the world. Alison Lapper, on the
other hand, was born without arms and had very short legs. Years back, she got paged, and her
Sculpture has her pregnant. Her Sculpture raises different opinions from various people as others
think she is not supposed to be based in London. Others think she is a very brave, noble, and
encouraging woman and therefore is a celebration of female fertility. Another artwork that
captured my attention is Venus de Milo. She is regarded as the most beautiful of all the world's
sculptures (as stated in 25:05). This Sculpture was identified in 1820 on a small island in Greek
known as Melos. A local farmer was tending to his field and in the process of sloughing; he hit
some stones, dug them up, and found her. This broke her arms and snapped her whole body into
two pieces. She has then become the embodiment of female beauty despite her lacking arms.

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THE HISTORY OF SCULPTED WOMEN THE HISTORY OF SCULPTED WOMEN NAME: INSTITUTION AFFILIATION: DATE: 1 THE HISTORY OF SCULPTED WOMEN 2 The Sculpture is considered the most important piece of art. It frightens the parts other forms of art cannot attain. Sculptures of women come in different sizes, shapes and also from different cultures across the world. As I watched the documentary on sculpted women's history, the artworks that made an impression on me included; Venus of Willendorf. She is considered to be the great great great great grandmother of Alison lapper. She is the first masterpiece of the Sculpture of the globe. This Sculpture was made over 25,000 years ago and was first found in Austria in the village of Villain Dorf; hence was given the name Venus of Willendorf. She had no legs; hence could neither stand up nor walk and was therefore made to be carried around. This Sculpture is so small and portable. She is considered a lucky charm (as stated in minute 9:44). She was carried around to bring good luck to women who desired to get pregnant. She was endowed with very big breasts, a big stomach, and had a puffy cleft between her legs, and these are very prominent featur ...
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