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1. What are the services available under IMPS? A. Funds Transfer and Remittances B. Merchant Payments C. NUUP D. Both (A) and (B) E. All of the Above Answer & Explanation E. All of the Above Explanation: The services available under IMPS are Funds Transfer and Remittances Merchant Payments NUUP QSAM 2. What is the full form of NUUP? A. National Unified USSD Protocol B. National Unitied USSD Platform C. National Unitied USSD Protocol D. National Unified USP Platform E. National Unified USSD Platform Answer & Explanation E. National Unified USSD Platform Explanation: NUUP – National Unified USSD Platform 3. Which of the following is a USSD based mobile banking service from NPCI that brings together all the Banks and Telecom Service Providers?. A. WAP B. QSAM C. NUUP D. Both (A) and (B) E. Both (B) and (C) Answer & Explanation C. NUUP Explanation: NUUP (National Unified USSD Platform) is a USSD based mobile banking service from NPCI that brings together all the Banks and Telecom Service Providers. 4. In NUUP, a customer can access banking services by just pressing ________ from his/her mobile phones. A. *999# B. #*99# C. *99# D. 1*99# E. None of the Above Answer & Explanation C. *99# Explanation: In NUUP, a customer can access banking services by just pressing *99# from his/her mobile phones. This service works across all GSM mobile handsets. 5. What is the full form of QSAM? A. Quality Service on Aadhaar Mapper B. Query Sending on Aadhaar Mapping C. Query Service on Aadhaar ...
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