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Curriculum development

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Curriculum development 1

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Curriculum development 2
Learning enhancement
Education is a learning process with an aim of improving students’ skills that relate to the needs
and abilities of the learner and the setup of a society. To enhance quality and effective learning
experiences are organised on the basis of the needs of the society and abilities of the learners to
be able to adopt in the working environment. This action research seeks to enhance deep learning
skills among learners’ experiences by facilitating transferable skills; students can implement
what they learn out of the class in the real world activities.
The area of focus is to develop a curriculum that engages students outside the class, by
understanding the nature and support required by students in order to gain most from their
learning activities. Through systematic, controlled action research, higher education teachers can
become more professional, more interested in pedagogical aspects of higher education and more
motivated to integrate their research and teaching interests in a holistic way. This, in turn, can
lead to greater job satisfaction, better academic programs, improvement of student learning and
practitioner's insights and contributions to the advancement of knowledge in higher education
(Zuber-Skerritt, 15, 1982). Students need to get knowledge and skills that apply in solving their
society problems.
Traditional learning methods don't encourage deep learning and acquisition of skills which go
beyond short-term memorization to enable students to get new knowledge which will allow
reapplication outside the class setup (Enstwhistle, 1998). This action research considers a
teaching strategy where students are involved in group project work that they work on to
enhance their personal skills. These projects workshops support positive group work among
learners and encourage students to work ownership.The learning strategy encourages the use of
experimental and constructivist learning principles (Duffy and Jonassen,1992). The major issue
that comes up in the action research is the understanding of the level of support that the learners
require to develop the most skills out of the learning activities.
The action research on curriculum development is aimed at achieving results which are reflective
in learning. The development is set to raise the standards of education especially in higher
education levels. To sustain and gain the results in this development there is meant to be
evaluation and self-assessment strategies which involve day to day interaction between the
student and the learner. This strategy gives the learner maximum time to learn the most out of the
In conclusion, the identified objectives have not been achieved fully in finding conclusive
solutions to the model of learning and teaching practice. However, I hope that the experiences
will help curriculum development and as an example of action research in coming up with the
best learning models. More new ways need to be developed in order to improve the learning
skills of the students.

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Curriculum development 1 NAME: COURSE: TUTOR: INSTITUTION AFFILIATION: DATE: Curriculum development 2 Learning enhancement Education is a learning process with an aim of improving students’ skills that relate to the needs and abilities of the learner and the setup of a society. To enhance quality and effective learning experiences are organised on the basis of the needs of the society and abilities of the learners to be able to adopt in the working environment. This action research seeks to enhance deep learning skills among learners’ experiences by facilitating transferable skills; students can implement what they learn out of the class in the real world activities. The area of focus is to develop a curriculum that engages students outside the class, by understanding the nature and support required by students in order to gain most from their learning activities. Through s ...
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