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Article review

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A bulky glycocalyx fosters metastasis formation by promoting G1 cell cycle progression
Metastasis is the medical definition of cancerous cells that spreads from the original part
of the body to other parts of the body. The researchers of the above mentioned article sought to
study how glycocalyx speeds up metastasis by promoting G1 cell cycle progression. The article
is written based on research evidence on how a protein such as glycocalyx fosters metastasis
formation. Additionally they sought to understand how mucins promote malignancy in the body
organs. Cancer cells are transferred from the original point in the body to other pats through
blood streams and lymph systems. The lymph system is the one responsible for transfer of body
proteins such as mucins. The article is meant to study the effects of glycocalx in fostering
metastasis formation. According to the article, malignancy is attributed to altered formation of
glycans and glycoproteins that lead to formation of glycocalyx. Additionally, the paper shows a
construction of glycoprotein which showed that metastatic cancer regulates bulky glycoproteins.
The researchers used mice as test subjected in the research. They were tested in a lab to
determine the results of the study. The method used for the stud involved synthesis of
glcopolymers, acquisition of mfc- ions. Additionally glycopolymers were loaded onto a cell
surface. The researchers then observed the reactions of different glycoprotein cells. The mice
used were tested to determine the results of the study as per the article. A mice tail vein
metastasis model method was used. The mice used were kept under university of California
animal care. Mice were restrained and tail vein injections were performed with 100 ml at 106
cells per ml. Mice were not fed doxycyclineDox (+) cells were treated for 24 hr before

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Running Head: ARTICLE REVIEW 1 Article review Name Institution Date ARTICLE REVIEW 2 A bulky glycocalyx fosters metastasis formation by promoting G1 cell cycle progression Introduction Metastasis is the medical definition of cancerous cells that spreads from the original part of the body to other parts of the body. The researchers of the above mentioned article sought to study how glycocalyx speeds up metastasis by promoting G1 cell cycle progression. The article is written based on research evidence on how a protein such as glycocalyx fosters metastasis formation. Additionally they sought to understand how mucins promote malignancy in the body organs. Cancer cells are transferred from the original point in the body to other pats through blood streams and lymph systems. The lymph system is the one responsible for transfer of body proteins such as mucins. The article is meant to study the effects of glycocalx in fostering metastasis formation. According to the article, malignancy is attributed to altered formation of glycans and glycoproteins that lead to formation of glycocalyx. Additionally, the paper shows a construction of glycoprotein which showed that metastatic cancer regulates bulky glycoproteins. Methods The researchers used mice as test subjected in the research. They were tested in a lab to determine the results of the study. The method used for the stud involved synthesis of glcopolymers, acquisition of mfc- ions. Additionally glycopolymers were loaded onto a ...
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