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Ethical issues facing nike inc

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Ethical Issues Facing Nike Inc. Company

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Ethical Issues Facing Nike Inc. Company 2
Nike Inc. is a sportswear company located in Oregon. The company was founded in 1964
as Blue ribbon. The company used to supply Japanese running shoes. The company was later
named Nike in 1974. Nike Inc. is one of the most successful shoe companies in the world with
numerous franchises around the world. The company has numerous branches around the world in
different countries. Nike has various athletes who promote its products. At the same time it has
sponsored many sports clubs across the world. Its success is attributed to production of unique
sportswear as compared to other companies. Since its foundations, it has done major acquisitions
and mergers with different companies. This has made it diversify in production of fashionable
sportswear. However, its operations in the foreign countries have raised ethical issues. The
company has been faced with conduct challenges which have affected the face of the brand.
Despite the problems, it has emerged as an innovative company which promotes new fashion in
the sportswear industry. Ethical issues that arise in production of Nike products can be attributed
mostly to search of cheap labor.
Code of conduct
Nike has invested much in formulating a code of conduct that works within the universal
guidelines of integrity and fairness. The company operates within the laws set in the countries of
operations. Nike’s code of conduct has been developed based on universal human rights and
ethical trading initiative. Nike Inc. Company has built systems to ensure that its ethical statement
is followed to the letter by managers and suppliers. The expectation of Nike's code of conduct is
guided by dignity, integrity, honesty, fairness and respect for human rights. In its code of ethics,
Nike ensures that all the employees are well versed with the expectations of the company. This
helps the company avoid brand criticism and unnecessary law suits.

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Ethical Issues Facing Nike Inc. Company Name Course Date Ethical Issues Facing Nike Inc. Company 2 Introduction Nike Inc. is a sportswear company located in Oregon. The company was founded in 1964 as Blue ribbon. The company used to supply Japanese running shoes. The company was later named Nike in 1974. Nike Inc. is one of the most successful shoe companies in the world with numerous franchises around the world. The company has numerous branches around the world in different countries. Nike has various athletes who promote its products. At the same time it has sponsored many sports clubs across the world. Its success is attributed to production of unique sportswear as compared to other companies. Since its foundations, it has done major acquisitions and mergers with different companies. This has made it diversify in production of fashionable sportswear. However, its operations in the foreign countries have raised ethical issues. The company has been faced with conduct challenges which have affected the face of the brand. Despite the problems, it has emerged as an innovative company which promotes new fashion in the sportswear industry. Ethical issues that arise in production of Nike products can be attributed mostly to search of cheap labor. Code of conduct Nike has invested much in formulating a code of conduct that works within the universal guidelines of integrity and fairness. The company operates within the laws set in the countries of operations. Nike’s code of co ...
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