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Okhama bombing

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Threat assessment
Q 4
OKC bombing of 1995 was one on the greatest domestic terrorist attack in the history of
U.S. Despite the attack and measures that were taken after the attack, the country still faces
domestic terrorist’s threats. Despite the recent attacks being small as compared to the OKC
bombing, there is need to take measures to avert such attacks. Threat assessment is one of the
key plans to prevent attacks in different areas in the country. Sometimes attackers are on revenge
mission, jihadists or even political instigated. Whatever the reason for attacks, one should always
be vigilant and ensure their security. The government cannot keep everyone safe despite its great
effort to ensure security. The OKC bombing had many lessons to both security agencies and the
citizens in general. The bombing was followed with various security changes; it was like a
wakeup call for the government (Linenthal, 2003).
Phoenix rising football stadium is very vulnerable to terrorist attacks since it is a public
stadium. Any terrorist can decide to attack the stadium especially when it is at its maximum
capacity. The management of the stadium is mostly responsible to ensure the security of both the
football fans and the players. According to threat assessment, there are many threats that are
faced by the phoenix rising football stadium. The most visible is security threat, over congestion,
stampede and assaults. The size of the stadium does not offer security response measures (Deng,
2015). For example the exits are limited; in case of an attack it could be hard for the response
teams to assess the stadium leading to death casualties. According to the assessment threat
phoenix rising football stadium is at a high risk of an attack. However lessons can be drawn from
OKC bombing to improve the protection measures of the stadium.

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Running Head: EVALUATION OF PROTECTIVE RESOURCES AND PEER REVIEW Title Name Course Date 1 EVALUATION OF PROTECTIVE RESOURCES AND PEER REVIEW 2 Threat assessment Q4 OKC bombing of 1995 was one on the greatest domestic terrorist attack in the history of U.S. Despite the attack and measures that were taken after the attack, the country still faces domestic terrorist’s threats. Despite the recent attacks being small as compared to the OKC bombing, there is need to take measures to avert such attacks. Threat assessment is one of the key plans to prevent attacks in different areas in the country. Sometimes attackers are on revenge mission, jihadists or even political instigated. Whatever the reason for attacks, one should always be vigilant and ensure their security. The government cannot keep everyone safe despite its great effort to ensure security. The OKC bombing had many lessons to both security agencies and the citizens in general. The bombing was followed with various security changes; it was like a wakeup call for the government (Linenthal, 2003). Phoenix rising football stadium is very vulnerable to terrorist attacks since it is a public stadium. Any terrorist can decide to attack the stadium especially when it is at its maximum capacity. The management of the stadium is mostly responsible to ensure the security of both the football fans and the players. According to threat assessment, there are many threats that are faced by the phoenix rising football stadium. The ...
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