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Sports massage for dummies

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Sports Massage for dummies
The soft tissue techniques are soft tissue release, connective tissue therapy, corrective frictions (transverse), trigger points and muscle energy
and the SMT must choose the best technique for the client which they feel will be most beneficial.
Soft tissue release incorporates mobilisation of joints in order to stretch or mobilise the entire muscle or parts of it, placing the muscle in a shorted position
the SMT must lock the muscle in place and bring the muscle to a lengthened position forcing the adhesions to separate, it should increase the ROM and
mobility in scar tissue along with promotion of muscular balance, you must be careful not to over stretch the muscle or cause the client any more pain
while administering the stretch. It should not be done if the client reports to greater pain or they have broken bones.
Connective tissue is different as it incorporates the body as a whole rather than specific area, to begin the SMT
should remove all oils from hands and skin to apply maximum resistance against the facia underlying the skin
and apply pressure as they push this area with the palms of the hands to begin and in different directions to
find and remove and restrictions from the areas affected, its beneficial as the whole body may feel a release
from this technique and move more freely. It is not advised to do this if they have damaged or broken skin or
report skin irritation or bruising.
Trigger points are hyperirritable spots within the muscle and the SMT should use a TP technique after test the
point with the ten second press test, as if the pain in the area is to great then it is not advisable to perform this technique as it can further inflame the area
and further massage is required before applying this technique, there are two methods for the TP application, one is to press to a point of pain around 7 out
of 10 and hold until the client says it has subsided after 20 seconds the repeat the pressure back to 7 again and again for a total of up to 60 to 90 seconds,
the second is to release the pressure of 7 for two seconds and hold again for 5 and repeat until pain is less or absent or until two minutes have passed with
no change. This should allow greater ROM, improved circulation and reduced local and referred pain. It should not be done if the client reports serious
muscle pain or have broken damaged skin or broken bones.
Transverse frictions (corrective) technique can be painful for the client and SMT should monitor responses to this technique, it is a simple kneading
technique at short right angles to breakdown muscle fibres and effleurage should be applied in between to relax the client, is should not be done on broken

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Sports Massage for dummies The soft tissue techniques are soft tissue release, connective tissue therapy, corrective frictions (transverse), trigger points and muscle energy and the SMT must choose the best technique for the client which they feel will be most beneficial. Soft tissue release incorporates mobilisation of joints in order to stretch or mobilise the entire muscle or parts of it, placing the muscle in a shorted position the SMT must lock the muscle in place and bring the muscle to a lengthened position forcing the adhesions to separate, it should increase the ROM and mobility in ...
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