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Globalization and development challenges

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ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Program International Studies
Discipline Globalization and Development Challenges
Academic Year 2019/2020
Influence of Migration on Globalization Processes
Student Anna Sergeenkova
Student Number 81035
Professor José Manuel Henriques

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ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa Program International Studies Discipline Globalization and Development Challenges Academic Year 2019/2020 Influence of Migration on Globalization Processes Student Anna Sergeenkova Student Number 81035 Professor José Manuel Henriques Lisbon 2020 Proof of Topic Approval: Introduction and Research Problem Nowadays migration issue is debated all over the world. It causes various political, social and economic effects which sometimes cannot be considered as positive or negative. It can also be a sign of problems in some areas of the world. Migration is the issue that should be discussed in the context of globalization. Because of this migration process becomes easier each year. Thanks to globalization people can easily find information about foreign countries that may be suitable for immigration and conditions to move. People can easily move from one part of the planet to another and this simplifies the migration process. Globalization has reduced the sense of isolation felt in much of the developing world and has given many people in the developing countries access to knowledge well beyond the reach of even the wealthiest in any country a century ago.1 As a result, globalization is a huge contributor to the issue of migration. In this paper I am going to discuss about migration, globalization, its essence, history, reasons. There will be research about connection of migration and globalization processes and conclusions provided. ...
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