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ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Program International Studies
Discipline Conflicts & Peacebuilding
Academic Year 2019/2020
The Cold War: Conflict between the USA and the USSR
Student Anna Sergeenkova
Professors Manuel João Ramos and Filipe Luís de Vasconcelos Romão

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The Cold War
: Conflict between the USA and the USSR
Seventy-five years ago, the world first became acquainted with the phrase "Cold War",
which was used by the British writer and publicist George Orwell. Subsequently, this term
perfectly described the era that lasted from the end of World War II until the collapse of the USSR.
This essay is devoted to the problem how the global geopolitical, economic, and ideological
confrontation developed between the Soviet Union and its allies on the one hand, and the United
States and their allies on the other.
The Cold War is a political science term used in relation to the global geopolitical, military,
economic and ideological confrontation between 1946 and the end of the 1980s between two blocs
of states, the center of one of which was the USSR and the other the USA. This topic seemed
exciting for me because, firstly, this confrontation was not a war in the international legal sense.
One of the main components of the confrontation was the ideological struggle - as a consequence
of the contradiction between the capitalist and socialist models of the state system.
Secondly, this conflict desires attention for the reason that at the present time there is a
term The Second Cold War (or the New Cold War, or the Cold War 2.0). It refers to a new state
of political and military tension between opposing geopolitical forces, with one unit, as is
commonly believed, led by Russia and China, and the second by the United States, EU and NATO.
The formal trigger of the Second Cold War was the political crisis in Ukraine in 2013-2014. In the
West, the term was used earlier to refer to the second phase of the Cold War, that is, events after
1985. I am convinced that many historic events that happened in that period, have impact on the
modern life. As well as several problems and concerns that were debated at that time, still remain
In this essay I am going to introduce various points of view on this conflict. I will consider
papers of famous journalists, historians and writers in order to present different opinions on the
topic, evaluate their contribution to the problem and sum up lessons learned from this crisis.
Firstly, I will briefly introduce the conflict, then I will consider two different scientific papers on
the topic, including brief presentation of the authors. There will be presented and compared
methodology and arguments of the authors and finally made conclusions.
The Cold War started on March 5, 1946, when Winston Churchill (then the leader of the
opposition in the British Parliament) made his famous speech in Fulton (USA, Missouri), in which
he put forward the idea of creating an Anglo-American alliance to fight "world communism led
Orwell G. You and the Atomic Bomb; Tribune, 1945

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ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa Program International Studies Discipline Conflicts & Peacebuilding Academic Year 2019/2020 The Cold War: Conflict between the USA and the USSR Student Anna Sergeenkova Professors Manuel João Ramos and Filipe Luís de Vasconcelos Romão Lisbon 2020 The Cold War1: Conflict between the USA and the USSR Seventy-five years ago, the world first became acquainted with the phrase "Cold War", which was used by the British writer and publicist George Orwell. Subsequently, this term perfectly described the era that lasted from the end of World War II until the collapse of the USSR. This essay is devoted to the problem how the global geopolitical, economic, and ideological confrontation developed between the Soviet Union and its allies on the one hand, and the United States and their allies on the other. The Cold War is a political science term used in relation to the global geopolitical, military, economic and ideological confrontation between 1946 and the end of the 1980s between two blocs of states, the center of one of which was the USSR and the other the USA. This topic seemed exciting for me because, firstly, this confrontation was not a war in the international legal sense. One of the main components of the confrontation was the ideological struggle - as a consequence of the contradiction between the capitalist and socialist models of the state system. Secondly, this conflict desires attention for the reason that at the present time ...
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