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Jennifer Cvoric
Colorado State University Global Campus
HRM470-1: Human Resource Management in a Global World
Dr. Sue C. Golabek
January 29, 2020

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In today’s world, the only way for companies to keep up with their competitors is to grow
internationally. To become a leading company, they need to create strategies to do so that are
efficient and cost effective. Most importantly, these strategies need to include the best possible
ways to gain the best employees and retain them.
A company that runs in its homebased country and in other countries as well, is
considered as a multinational enterprise. The company contains a local office building which is
in their original country where it began and manages all other locations as well. For a business to
be an MNE, they need to have actual business dealings and transactions that provide direct
Technology is also playing a large role in improving companies and providing them with
opportunities they weren’t given several years ago. Now due to technology, training and
communication has become a possible action between people with thousands of miles separating
them. Consumers can also shop faster and more effectively without ever leaving their homes,
taking advantage of this method can only help in the transition and structure of going global.
By opening and managing operations internationally it helps give multinational
enterprises the opportunities for a large amount of growth in different markets all at once,
opening the chance for higher profitability (Ingram, 2017). Anything outside the norm, such as a
company who spent years within a domestic area moving internationally, will come with changes
and differences that a company needs to adapt to. It is up to the human resources department to
be proactive in the change to handle and process employees at the front line.
Managing internationally and domestically can be very troublesome without the
knowledge of how they contrast. Internationalization plays a pivotal role in the economic growth

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Running Head: OPTION 1: DECISION MAKER’S REPORT OPTION 1: DECISION MAKER’S REPORT Jennifer Cvoric Colorado State University – Global Campus HRM470-1: Human Resource Management in a Global World Dr. Sue C. Golabek January 29, 2020 1 OPTION 1: DECISION MAKER’S REPORT OPTION 1: DECISION MAKER’S REPORT In today’s world, the only way for companies to keep up with their competitors is to grow internationally. To become a leading company, they need to create strategies to do so that are efficient and cost effective. Most importantly, these strategies need to include the best possible ways to gain the best employees and retain them. A company that runs in its homebased country and in other countries as well, is considered as a multinational enterprise. The company contains a local office building which is in their original country where it began and manages all other locations as well. For a business to be an MNE, they need to have actual business dealings and transactions that provide direct assets. Technology is also playing a large role in improving companies and providing them with opportunities they weren’t given several years ago. Now due to technology, training and communication has become a possible action between people with thousands of miles separating them. Consumers can also shop faster and more effectively without ever leaving their homes, taking advantage of this method can only help in the transition and structure of going global. By opening and ma ...
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