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Anorexia nervosa presentation

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Anorexia Nervosa Samora, Jennifer, Aidelin, Thalia Assessment • • • • Weigh much less than is healthy or normal. Are very afraid of gaining weight. Refuse to stay at a normal weight. Think they are overweight even when they are very thin. • Deny the seriousness of their low body weight. • Base their self-esteem on how they view their body weight and shape. • Their lives become focused on controlling their weight. They may: • Obsess about food, weight, and dieting. • Strictly limit how much they eat. • Exercise a lot, even when they are sick. • Vomit or use laxatives or water pills (diuretics) to avoid weight gain. Diagnostic Studies • CBC with Differential: we will run the test to check for anemia, electrolytes imbalance and thyroid function. • Physical Exam: height and weight; checking vital signs, such as heart rate, blood pressure and temperature; checking skin and nails for problems; listening to heart and lungs; and examining the abdomen. • Psych Evaluation: may also be asked to complete psychological self-assessment questionnaires. • Xray: to check bone density, check for stress fractures or broken bones, or check for pneumonia or heart problems. Nursing Diagnosis • Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements • Risk for Deficient Fluid Volume • Disturbed Thought Process • Disturbed Body Image, Chronic Low Self-Esteem • Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity Patient Teaching • Inform the patient to have patience and foc ...
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