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Globalization essay

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Is Migration a sign of a crisis of Globalization and Global Governance?
Anna Sergeenkova
Nowadays migration issue is debated all over the world. It causes
various political, social and economic effects which sometimes cannot be
considered as positive or negative. It can also be a sign of problems in
some areas of the world. Migration is the issue that should be discussed
in the context of globalization. Because of it migration process becomes
easier each year. Thanks to globalization people can easily find
information about foreign countries that may be suitable for immigration
and conditions to move. People can easily move from one part of the
planet to another and this simplifies the migration process. As a result,
globalization is a huge contributor to the issue of migration.
In this paper I am going to discuss about migration, its essence,
history, reasons. There will be views about whether this issue is a result
of crisis of current processes in the world, a crisis or Global or Local
Governance and whether it is a sign of a crisis at all.
These questions arise from the current migration situation in the
World and my personal expressions. We cannot ignore this serious topic
today, because migration flows are growing each year and cause different
effects. In some countries it causes political and social difficulties, in
others positively contribute to the local economy, society and general
development. Moreover, I am an immigrant from the country where this
issue is constantly debated. As a result, I am aware of several insights
about the migration system and can discuss it in details.

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Personally, I am convinced that Migration is a sign of a crisis of the
Local Governance. I cannot agree that it reflects a crisis of the global
processes, but I believe that it reflects crisis of that or another local area.
In this paper I am going to support my opinion with scientific
articles, my personal experience. I discussed this issue with my friends,
who experienced migration, so, this information will also be useful. I will
focus on several cases and describe them from different points in order to
evidence my ideas. Also, I will present some statistic facts in order to be
more specific.
There will be a focus on migration situation in the Russian
Federation and in post-Soviet countries and its connection to the global
migration issues. The reason is that in this area migration process is
rather controversial and disputed. What is more, I can share my personal
expressions and observations about it so that my arguments are more

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Essay Is Migration a sign of a crisis of Globalization and Global Governance? Anna Sergeenkova Introduction Nowadays migration issue is debated all over the world. It causes various political, social and economic effects which sometimes cannot be considered as positive or negative. It can also be a sign of problems in some areas of the world. Migration is the issue that should be discussed in the context of globalization. Because of it migration process becomes easier each year. Thanks to globalization people can easily find information about foreign countries that may be suitable for immigration and conditions to move. People can easily move from one part of the planet to another and this simplifies the migration process. As a result, globalization is a huge contributor to the issue of migration. In this paper I am going to discuss about migration, its essence, history, reasons. There will be views about whether this issue is a result of crisis of current processes in the world, a crisis or Global or Local Governance and whether it is a sign of a crisis at all. These questions arise from the current migration situation in the World and my personal expressions. We cannot ignore this serious topic today, because migration flows are growing each year and cause different effects. In some countries it causes political and social difficulties, in others – positively contribute to the local economy, society and general development. Moreover, I am an immigrant from the country whe ...
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