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Global challenges essay

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ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Program International Studies
Discipline Global Challenges
Academic Year 2020/2021
Influence of the Pandemic on Global Migration Processes
Student Anna Sergeenkova
Student Number 81035
Professors Luís Nuno Rodrigues
Fernando Jorge Cardoso

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Global mobility restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in fact paralyzed international
population migration. In the beginning of 2020, states faced an unprecedented challenge of
dangerous pandemic. The leaders of most countries in the modern globalizing world had to solve
an extremely difficult task: on the one hand, it was necessary to protect the population from the
threat of potentially fatal infection, which is tantamount to a radical restriction of the mobility of
citizens (and, as a consequence, the freezing of economic activity), and on the other - to minimize
the economic damage from such measures.
Most migration management regimes imply that most foreign citizens are only allowed to stay in
the country for a certain period (these periods are determined either by the relevant bilateral and
multilateral agreements, or by the system of entry visas and residence permits). In addition, the
migration rules include the possibility of voluntary or compulsory removal of foreign citizens from
the territory of the state.
Global migration was seriously affected by the COVID Pabdemic all over the world. In this
situation, migrants, traditionally more vulnerable during periods of crisis
, faced high social risks.
Their daily living expenses have not changed, and the introduction of quarantine has led to a
significant reduction in the jobs available to them. And if local population receives support from
the state, then migrants, deprived of most of social guarantees and often working informally or on
short-term contracts, found themselves in a particularly difficult position.
This system turned out to be completely unprepared for an almost instantaneous termination of
international transport links. Due to the high rate of spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, civilians
transportation stopped almost instantly. Many countries announced organization of special flights
to take out their citizens who were abroad at the time of the border closure. However, this measure
is insufficient, for it primarily solves the problems of people who were abroad on short trips or
have an urgent need to return to their homeland.
In this paper I am going to study impact of the Pandemic on global migration processes. I will
consider theoretical facts about the Pandemic that are actual for November 2020. Unfortunately,
it is not over yet, but it is possible to make predictions about consequences that may occur when
it comes to an end. Moreover, it is important to go through essence of global migration in order to
make a more precise research.
Dustmann C., Glitz A., Vogel T. Employment, wages, and the economic cycle: Differences between
immigrants and natives // European Economic Review. 2010. No. 54(1). P. 117.

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ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa Program International Studies Discipline Global Challenges Academic Year 2020/2021 Influence of the Pandemic on Global Migration Processes Student Anna Sergeenkova Student Number 81035 Professors Luís Nuno Rodrigues Fernando Jorge Cardoso Lisbon 2020 Introduction Global mobility restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in fact paralyzed international population migration. In the beginning of 2020, states faced an unprecedented challenge of dangerous pandemic. The leaders of most countries in the modern globalizing world had to solve an extremely difficult task: on the one hand, it was necessary to protect the population from the threat of potentially fatal infection, which is tantamount to a radical restriction of the mobility of citizens (and, as a consequence, the freezing of economic activity), and on the other - to minimize the economic damage from such measures. Most migration management regimes imply that most foreign citizens are only allowed to stay in the country for a certain period (these periods are determined either by the relevant bilateral and multilateral agreements, or by the system of entry visas and residence permits). In addition, the migration rules include the possibility of voluntary or compulsory removal of foreign citizens from the territory of the state. Global migration was seriously affected by the COVID Pabdemic all over the world. In this situation, migrants, traditionally more vulnerable during ...
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