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Education for all

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Critical Essay on the Issue about Education for All
Anna Sergeenkova, student number 81035
United educational space has its own state, public, political, economic,
scientific, pedagogical, informational, military and other components of the
fundamental process of education. Its unity is ensured by generally accepted ideas
about education (the philosophy of education).
In the educational space, ideas are being formed about the threats to the
security of individuals, society, the state and the world community, about ways to
prevent or eliminate them, as well as citizens' attitudes to security measures taken.
The state of the educational space largely determines the state of society and the
state, their strength or weakness.
Education is that field of social activity on which, and only on it, civil society
could grow, since it is in this space that the criteria of citizenship are developed and
fixed. In civil society a system of values and priorities, different from liberal, should
be formulated. At the same time, there should be a priority of public interests over
individual ones, ethics of solidarity, personal responsibility and public duty over
liberal ideas about freedom and human rights. Civil society is united on the basis of
a common platform of moral values, norms and attitudes, rights and obligations of a
person, society, state, personal and official responsibility. This platform is formed on
the basis of the worldview adopted in society, state ideology, and not the ideological
diversity. In the educational space, laws and principles of scientific knowledge and
social logic, a single moral, common norms and rules, a common educational order
with its own structures of the educational hierarchy must act. And all of its terms,
ensuring the stability of the functioning of the system and the quality of education,
should be the subject of a social contract, contained in the country's legislative
framework, implemented in the state educational policy.
In the educational process, all the activities of the informative, scientific and
cultural community, family, parent community, public institutions, commercial
structures, government institutions, local governments are built around the goal-
setting of training and education, as well as solving specific tasks of the survival and
development of the specific territory or the whole world.

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In this essay I am going to cover such issues as connection between education
and politics, what problems currently exist in this field and what is being done to
solve them. Moreover, there will be such concerns as what is the role of civil society
in development of education? What do people and particularly government do in order
to make education available for everybody? What methods, laws and regulations are
applied to improve the quality and availability of education? How efficient are these
As I have already mentioned, civil society is one of necessary components for
development of education for all. While reading the article “Education, Democracy
and Poverty Reduction in Africa” of the author Clive Harber, I became convinced that
such expressions as civil society, democracy and politics are strongly connected with
the quality and extension of education.
As the author says, “In order to make a political choice the electorate should
have a basic understanding of the political system and the main political issues.
Choice based on ignorance is no choice at all.” This means that more and more people
should be educated in order to act correctly, understand political situation in the
country and in the world. Otherwise, lack of education will result in economic
problems, like in Africa, where between 1975 and 1999 Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) per capita growth in the region was 2 1% (UNDP, 2001, p. 13), which is very
low. There are likely to occur war conflicts, like in Africa, where not less than 17
countries out of 53 have suffered or are currently affected by the scourge of war
(UNESCO, 1997, p. 9).
Poor quality of education is one of the reasons of occurrence of such terrible
events. I also agree with the point of the author that teaching democratic values in
schools is one of the main factors contributing to development of education and spread
of knowledge. Because of the fact that in Africa students learn authoritarian values
rather than democratic, there are political, economic and social crises.
In order to support this point of view, there are many facts that prove that
education principles, different from African ones, show more positive results.
Improving human potential within the framework of those almost unlimited
possibilities that a new round of scientific and technological progress, is the basis of

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Critical Essay on the Issue about Education for All Anna Sergeenkova, student number 81035 United educational space has its own state, public, political, economic, scientific, pedagogical, informational, military and other components of the fundamental process of education. Its unity is ensured by generally accepted ideas about education (the philosophy of education). In the educational space, ideas are being formed about the threats to the security of individuals, society, the state and the world community, about ways to prevent or eliminate them, as well as citizens' attitudes to security measures taken. The state of the educational space largely determines the state of society and the state, their strength or weakness. Education is that field of social activity on which, and only on it, civil society could grow, since it is in this space that the criteria of citizenship are developed and fixed. In civil society a system of values and priorities, different from liberal, should be formulated. At the same time, there should be a priority of public interests over individual ones, ethics of solidarity, personal responsibility and public duty over liberal ideas about freedom and human rights. Civil society is united on the basis of a common platform of moral values, norms and attitudes, rights and obligations of a person, society, state, personal and official responsibility. This platform is formed on the basis of the worldview adopted in society, state ideology, and not the ide ...
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