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Eu essay

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Essay on the Discipline Europe as a Global Actor Anna Sergeenkova This essay will look at economic issues in the modern Europe. It will consider such burning issues as market abuse in Europe, investments in Assets and different approaches to the economic crisis of 2008. This topic was chosen because I have a bachelor degree in Economics, specifically corporate finance. I have background knowledge that will contribute to my research about the Europe. It is very curious to apply basic knowledge of the Economics to studies about the Europe. For a detailed analysis of the economic future of the European countries, it is necessary, first of all, to consider those factors that will affect the state of the economy of the countries of the European Monetary Union in the medium and long term, the overall investment and financial climate, the competitiveness of European goods on world markets, as well as domestic social aspects - unemployment, inflation, etc. Such factors, in my opinion, should be the strengthening of the processes of economic consolidation, the prospects for the euro as international currency, economic potential created by the union, as well as the development of financial markets. The essay will go through four different articles with four different approaches to economics in the modern Europe and look critically at how they differ and what they have in common. It will consider different views about modern economic problems in the European Union and suggest possible o ...
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