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Dominos 1.edited

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Supply Chain
Saudi electronic university
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Executive summary
Supply chain management is an important operational factor that has to be managed
accurately for preparing in the competitive industry add for establishing a better relationship
with the stakeholders including suppliers, customers, retailers and employees. The entire work
revolves around the concepts and tools of supply chain management that helps the management
in resolving and rectifying the risk that threatens the firm internally and externally.
Domino’s have been selected for rectifying the supply chain issue and application of
tools and concepts. The history of Domino’s is very inspiring as it started with a single franchise
only and now entertaining customers through more than 5000 franchises in the Middle East,
Europe, America and South Africa. Furthermore, the mobile restaurant is also maintaining
customer demand in Israel. The firm has delicious and yummy menus including pasta, pizza,
bread, etc. the firm is enjoying the high sale with good profitability in recent years as compared
to the bask history. The main issue that has been analyzing in the study is supply chain
management. It has been analyzed that inventory, warehouse, stakeholder and demand
forecasting issues threatened h Domino’s and destroyed its brand image among the customers.
For resolving the issuing firm adopted the pull and push strategy that resolves the
demand related issues. The management analyzes the accurate demand forecast and then do
further procedures. The warehouse issue has been resolved by the arrangement of a new
warehouse and it shows that all factors were associated with this one issue. The warehouse
management helps the supply of inventory that is excessively stored and it further increases the
capacity of storing dough from outsourcing that automatically improves the demand and supply
to the customers. The training and development program of the delivery suppliers is the further
source of maintaining the customer’s order.

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Executive summary Supply chain management is an important operational factor that has to be managed accurately for preparing in the competitive industry add for establishing a better relationship with the stakeholders including suppliers, customers, retailers and employees. The entire work revolves around the concepts and tools of supply chain management that helps the management in resolving and rectifying the risk that threatens the firm internally and externally. Domino’s have been selected for rectifying the supply chain issue and application of tools and concepts. The history of Domino’s is very inspiring as it started with a single franchise only and now entertaining customers through more than 5000 franchises in the Middle East, Europe, America and South Africa. Furthermore, the mobile restaurant is also maintaining customer demand in Israel. The firm has delicious and yummy menus including pasta, pizza, bread, etc. the firm is enjoying the high sale with good profitability in recent years as compared to the bask history. The main issue that has been analyzing in the study is supply chain management. It has been analyzed that inventory, warehouse, stakeholder and demand forecasting issues threatened h Domino’s and destroyed its brand image among the customers. For resolving the issuing firm adopted the pull and push strategy that resolves the demand related issues. The management analyzes the accurate demand forecast and then do further procedures. The warehouse ...
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Really helped me to better understand my coursework. Super recommended.


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