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Ldrcb535 Comp 2module 4 Reflection Comp 2module 4 Reflection High Performance In Organizations

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University of Phoenix
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LDRCB/535: Comp 2/Module 4 - Reflection Comp 2/Module 4 Reflection High Performance
in Organizations
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LDRCB/535: Comp 2/Module 4 - Reflection Comp 2/Module 4 Reflection
High Performance in Organizations
Q1: Steps taken to Guarantee High Performance
Currently, organizations use teams to provide a balance between their time and money
while increasing their effectiveness. Global firms acknowledge the essence of such groups in
increasing productivity, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. With agile and flexible teams,
managers train their staff to ensure successful performance outcomes (Koeslag-Kreunen et al.,
2018). Besides, organizing teams that work towards a common goal also promotes a timely
delivery of services to client populations. With focused, determined, and competent employees,
companies address their customers' diverse needs (Shuffler et al., 2018). The discussion explores
a high-performing team's leadership that practiced effective communication, constant feedback,
and clarity in objectives, goals, and responsibilities.
To ensure that the team performed well, I noticed that the leader emphasized effective
communication, feedback, and clarity. By being a team member, I noted that the leader always
encouraged us to communicate issues openly in a professional way. The leader often stressed
proper conflict resolution methods such as active listening and accountability for individual
mistakes. They gave good feedback to address loopholes while allowing employees to improve
on weaknesses (Shuffler et al., 2018). Within successful teams, feedback offers an excellent
foundation for workers to redefine their goals, change their ways of performing tasks and adhere
to the company's rules. The group performed well since the manager communicated the vision
appropriately while aligning activities to long-term goals (Shuffler et al., 2018). I was impressed
with how we all set goals and fulfilled responsibilities without being monitored all the time. The
factors proved why the team thrived.

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1 LDRCB/535: Comp 2/Module 4 - Reflection Comp 2/Module 4 – Reflection High Performance in Organizations Students Name Institution Affiliation Course Name: Course Code Instructor’s Name Due Date 2 LDRCB/535: Comp 2/Module 4 - Reflection Comp 2/Module 4 – Reflection High Performance in Organizations Q1: Steps taken to Guarantee High Performance Currently, organizations use teams to provide a balance between their time and money while increasing their effectiveness. Global firms acknowledge the essence of such groups in increasing productivity, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. With agile and flexible teams, managers train their staff to ensure successful performance outcomes (Koeslag-Kreunen et al., 2018). Besides, organizing teams that work towards a common goal also promotes a timely delivery of services to client populations. With focused, determined, and competent employees, companies address their customers' diverse needs (Shuffler et al., 2018). The discussion explores a high-performing team's leadership that practiced effective communication, constant feedback, and clarity in objectives, goals, and responsibilities. To ensure that the team performed well, I noticed that the leader emphasized effective communication, feedback, and clarity. By being a team member, I noted that the leader always encouraged us to communicate issues openly in a professional way. The leader often stressed proper conflict resolution methods such as active listening and accountab ...
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