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Paul broca practice question biology

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Subject: Biology.
Q1) Paul Broca , a noted scientist and founder of the Anthropological Society in France, once
wrote in the 1870's:
"We might ask if the small size of the female brain depends exclusively upon the small size of
her body....But we must not forget that women are, on the average, a little less intelligent than
men, a difference which we should not exaggerate but which is, nonetheless, real. We are
therefore permitted to suppose that the relatively small size of the female brain depends in part
upon her physical inferiority and in part upon her intellectual inferiority." Analyze this statement
with regard to the logical fallacies it may contain. Be as specific as possible.
The main logical fallacy is the gender-specific intelligence difference between males and
females. Several studies suggest that there is no or negligible difference in gender specific
intelligence. A study by Francisco J. Abad proved that there is zero difference between males
and females intelligence as in terms of vocabulary, spatial rotation, verbal fluency and inductive
reasoning. However, males are variable in the intelligent level as they occupy the top and bottom
levels. Therefore, it is difficult for humans to prove that males have higher intelligence than
Although men have larger brains, men and women typically achieve similar intelligent results.
For men, the gray matter volume in the frontal and parietal lobes correlates with their IQ and for
women, the gray matter volume in the frontal lobe and Broca's area correlates with their IQ. Both
the males brain and the female brain functions the same and humans are not in a position to tell
who has a higher intelligent than other.

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Subject: Biology. Question: Q1) Paul Broca , a noted scientist and founder of the Anthropological Society in France, once wrote in the 1870's: "We might ask if the small size of the female brain depends exclusively upon the small size of her body....But we must not forget that women are, on the aver ...
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