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Class: BUS309248VA016-1206-001:Business Ethics
Assignment: Share a time in your professional life where you observed an unethical
situation. What were your thoughts and opinions on this ethical issue?
Student: Mary Lopes
8. I always got promoted within the business I’ve worked for at was always curious on
different more professional ways to deal with Workplace issues. It wasn’t until I was in
my late 20s that I witnessed the most terribly disturbing unethical and immoral behavior
from a supervisor with all the issues I’ve had had to deal with and seek advice for, never
have I had to question what I was doing with my life and contemplate just walking ouI
never returned returning. Will start somewhere in there in the middle after discovery of
how UN Tactically unethically immoral it person can be without even a sympathetic
thought all for self preservation And money at the expense of others a few years back I
was not to be so lucky and grateful to have been able to get a promotion as this
locations general manager where I had just started eight months prior as a assistant
manager. Do I meant in Hindsight it wasn’t the best career move at that particular
location but I thought that as long as I did my best the experience alone would be worth
it even if I failed miserably. Well everything was going pretty smoothly considering all
the issues that were present were there long before I had became the general manager.
My pramoedya supervisor decided she no longer wanted to be over my dorm as her
homestore was starting to suffer because of her time she was investing between both
stores. Soon thereafter Jessica was introduced to me as my muse supervisor. Instantly I
could feel the insincerity radiating off of her fake looking smile. I miss you would be
taking over with different plans for the store including but not limited limited to a whole
new management team being that she also had a home store that she was the general
manager of and her own employees she already knew and trusted so it was a matter of
time before she got rid of me to fill in the positions with someone else. Amazed at the
amount of time she did not wait she put her plan to work period her first I’m at the cool
action would start with changing the way everyone clocked in. Every employee had two
options when clocking in At one pay was substantially lower than the other based on the
position that they were working that day. Everyone was told to using the lower waist

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Title: Class: BUS309248VA016-1206-001:Business Ethics Assignment: Share a time in your professional life where you observed an unethical situation. What were your thoughts and opinions on this ethical issue? Student: Mary Lopes Date: 8. I always got promoted within the business I’ve worked for at was always curious on different more professional ways to deal with Workplace issues. It wasn’t until I was in my late 20s that I witnessed the most terribly disturbing unethical and immoral behavior from a supervisor with all the issues I’ve had had to deal with and seek advice for, never have ...
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