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The Harlem Renaissance 1
The Harlem Renaissance Paper
HIST222 African American History
November 15, 2015

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The Harlem Renaissance 2
Many of us have heard of the Harlem Renaissance at some point in time in our life
whether it’s through school, television, word of mouth, or simply just reading about either in a
magazine or book. The Harlem Renaissance was an important time not only in African American
history but also in America’s history. The Harlem Renaissance shaped entertainment into the
medium that we know today. In this paper we’re going to take a look at why the Harlem
Renaissance was important, who were the notable figures that helped shaped the Harlem
Renaissance, and how the Harlem Renaissance still has an impact today. (Harlem Renaissance
The Importance of the Harlem Renaissance
The Harlem Renaissance was an important time American history in that it was a time
where many African American were allowed to show their artistic styles. Such styles included
literature, dance, and music, mainly jazz and blues. The Harlem Renaissance wasn’t only about
literature and music but it was also about racial integration, racial consciousness “the back to
Africa” movement led by Marcus Garvey a notable figure in the civil rights movement. Known as
the “New Negro Movement” the Harlem Renaissance spanned the 1920s. The reason that Harlem,
N.Y was the spot for this event in American history was because during that time it was the main
spot that many immigrants that was chasing the American dream came to start a new life for
themselves and their families. This was the main area that African Americans that migrated from
the south settled because there were jobs and neighborhoods were considered safe due to many
African Americans either being related to one another or having similar roots. The thing that made
the Harlem Renaissance so important was that it was a post-World War II phase to the civil rights
movement which allow African American equal rights in a country that at the time was dealing
with serious racial issues. African Americans during that time didn’t have equal rights compared

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The Harlem Renaissance 1 The Harlem Renaissance Paper XXXXX HIST222 – African American History November 15, 2015 XXXXX The Harlem Renaissance 2 Many of us have heard of the Harlem Renaissance at some point in time in our life whether it’s through school, television, word of mouth, or simply just reading about either in a magazine or book. The Harlem Renaissance was an important time not only in African American history but also in America’s history. The Harlem Renaissance shaped entertainment into the medium that we know today. In this paper we’re going to take a look at why the Harlem Renaissance was important, who were the notable figures that helped shaped the Harlem Renaissance, and how the Harlem Renaissance still has an impact today. (Harlem Renaissance ,2015) The Importance of the Harlem Renaissance The Harlem Renaissance was an important time American history in that it was a time where many African American were allowed to show their artistic styles. Such styles included literature, dance, and music, mainly jazz and blues. The Harlem Renaissance wasn’t only about literature and music but it was also about racial integration, racial consciousness “the back to Africa” movement led by Marcus Garvey a notable figure in the civil rights movement. Known as the “New Negro Movement” the Harlem Renaissance spanned the 1920s. The reason that Harlem, N.Y was the spot for this event in American history was because during that time it was the main spot tha ...
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Very useful material for studying!
