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Hrmt 386 telephone quiz docx 1

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Telephone quiz and final exam study
Unit 1
1. Why do organizations and individuals enter into an employment relationship?
There are a few different reasons organizations and individuals enter into employment relationships.
One relationship is an economic relationship. Employers hire workers to accomplish tasks. In this way,
employment is an economic relationship: there is an exchange of value between the worker and the
employer. The workers agree to provide their time and skills (i.e., their labor) to the employer in exchange
for remuneration (i.e., wages and benefits). Workers enter into this relationship, because the majority of
people need to exchange their labor to acquire money by which to purchase the necessities of life. The
agreement that workers strike with employers is called the wage-rate bargain. The wage-rate bargain
begins in a labor market, employers buy workers and workers sell themselves. Workers that are skilled in
an area that the employer needs will receive a higher benefit from the employer than an unskilled worker
will. After the agreement is struck, the employer is responsible to get the desired production from the
employee. This is the wage-effort bargain. Employers want lots of output at a minimal cost and employees
want maximum wages with a minimum workload.
Canada has a capitalist economy. It is characterized by private ownership of capital, allocation of
resources and profit motive. The duties and obligations of the employer and employee are asymmetrical:
the employer issues orders, and the employee obeys them. If the employer is not making a profit, they face
pressure to maximize the output and cheapen the labor to decrease expenses. This is usually done at the
cost of the employee by wage cuts or downsizing. Employers’ interests lie in maximizing profits, while
workers’ interests lie in maximizing wages and controlling their conditions of work.
Employment is a method of organizing work. There are alternatives available to employers like
independent contractors, unpaid workers (also known as slaves), part time, temporary and casual. This
type of employment may be beneficial to employers as they can often pay less in wages and benefits.
Nonstandard forms of employment are mostly held by women, immigrants and minorities. In many cases
they are taken advantage of by the employer as they may be unskilled.
Another employment relationship is a social relationship. The employee agrees to accept the rules and
direction of the company, the managers and the culture. For some people, work is a way to socialize and
be involved with the community. This may be more important than the remuneration depending on the
person and position.

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2. What does the word resource in the term human resource management suggest about the nature of
the employment relationship?
The word resource in the term “Human Resource Management” implies that employees are a valuable asset to
the employer. A resource is an asset that can be drawn on by a person or organization to function correctly.
Human resource management are practices and policies that influence an employees behavior and performance
so work can be completed as efficiently as possible. Employees are typlically an organizations most valuable
resource in terms of their training, experience, intelligence and judgement. the employee characteristics can
add economic value to the organization. for an organization to succeed at what it does, it needs employees with
certain qualities, such as particular kinds of skills and experience. This view means employees in today’s
organizations are not interchangeable or easily replaced but the source of the company’s success or failure. By
inFuencing who works for the organization and how those people work, human resource management
therefore contributes to such basic measures of a organizations success as quality and pro±tability Human
resource management is critical to the success of organizations, because human capital has certain qualities
that make it valuable. In terms of business strategy, an organization can succeed if it has a sustainable
competitive advantage. However, when an organiztion has financial trouble, layoffs are usually first, which
means that the company will cut there greatest asset. The employees that have the least training and experince
are usually the first cut, and the employees with the most experience and training are last chosen. This may not
always be the case though, depending on salaries, an employee that may have the same skill set, but not quite
the same experience may be chosen over someone with more.
There are some companies that believe keeping your employees happy will benefit the company as a happy
employee will be more productive and a better resource.
3. What explains the persistent wage gap between men and women?
There are many ways women are disadvantaged in employment relationships. One way is the persistent wage
gap between men and women in the same position. According to the text book, men on average have more
education, experience and hours dedicated to their career, but this still doesn’t explain the wage gap between a
man and a women with equal education and experience. Many women work just as hard, if not harder to prove
that they can do the job just as well as their male counterpart, but still are overlooked for promotions, paid less
and work more. This is a form of discrimination, but employers often come up with an excuse as to why it is
Occupational differences also explain the wage gap. In Alberta, many people are employed by the oilfield
industry. This is normally a male dominated industry. This industry often offers a living wage to maintain
employees when they are not working. It also often offers subsistence pay for work performed out of the area

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Telephone quiz and final exam study Unit 1 1. Why do organizations and individuals enter into an employment relationship? There are a few different reasons organizations and individuals enter into employment relationships. One relationship is an economic relationship. Employers hire workers to accomplish tasks. In this way, employment is an economic relationship: there is an exchange of value between the worker and the employer. The workers agree to provide their time and skills (i.e., their labor) to the employer in exchange for remuneration (i.e., wages and benefits). Workers enter into this relationship, because the majority of people need to exchange their labor to acquire money by which to purchase the necessities of life. The agreement that workers strike with employers is called the wage-rate bargain. The wage-rate bargain begins in a labor market, employers buy workers and workers sell themselves. Workers that are skilled in an area that the employer needs will receive a higher benefit from the employer than an unskilled worker will. After the agreement is struck, the employer is responsible to get the desired production from the employee. This is the wage-effort bargain. Employers want lots of output at a minimal cost and employees want maximum wages with a minimum workload. Canada has a capitalist economy. It is characterized by private ownership of capital, allocation of resources and profit motive. The duties and obligations of the employer and employee are asymme ...
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