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Practicum Professional Experience Plan (PPEP)
Based on my self-assessment, I have been able to come up with goals and objectives that I aim to
achieve in my upcoming practicum experience. In line with these goals and objectives, I will be
able to improve my skills and expertise relative to the required competencies. During my
practicum experience, I look forward to developing my practical skills and knowledge through
my role as a nurse educator. Clinical skills such as handling patients and generally being able to
run a floor without having to rely on others to give me instructions and show me what I am
supposed to do is equally important. I aim to be able to independently conduct my duties as a
nurse and doing so diligently. My focus will be on competencies I, II, and III. The following are
my practicum professional development objectives.
1. Under competency I which entails facilitating learning, I aim to create an effective
learning environment. This can be a huge challenge but I intend to employ several
strategies to achieve this. One such strategy is understanding the cultural differences
among the groups of learners. Students training as nurse educators or training as nurses to
work in clinical settings have different ideas about the importance of learning and
recognizing this is crucial. Different learners also possess different learning styles and my
aim as an educator is to tailor my teaching style to accommodate as many of these
learning styles as possible in order to reach all learners.
2. Under competency II: Facilitate Learner Development and Socialization, I intend to also
engage in social interactions with other professionals within the practicum setting.
Meeting people working in the same field as me will not only facilitate my learning but
also improve my social skills. The better my skills the better I will become at teaching

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Practicum Professional Experience Plan (PPEP) Based on my self-assessment, I have been able to come up with goals and objectives that I aim to achieve in my upcoming practicum experience. In line with these goals and objectives, I will be able to improve my skills and expertise relative to the required competencies. During my practicum experience, I look forward to developing my practical skills and knowledge through my role as a nurse educator. Clinical skills such as handling patients and generally being able to run a floor without having to rely on others to give me instructions and show me ...
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