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Soc 326 5 1 deviant substances 4 docx 1

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SOC 326 5-1 Discussion: Deviant Substances
If you had the power to decide which substance should be legal and which should not, what
criteria would you use in making your decision? Discuss which social-control strategies could be
implemented to govern the consumption of these substances. Post your own thoughts regarding
these questions and, when responding to classmates, note how their ideas compare and contrast
with your own.
This discussion was very difficult for me. Having to make a decision like this is huge,
and there is a lot to consider before you choose to answer. If I had the power to decide which
substance should be legal and which should not, the criteria that I would base my decision off of
would be the data and statistics from other places/countries around the world. To be specific,
drugs that are not legalized in the U.S. are legalized in other countries so that would be the first
place I look to learn more about the effects. The second criteria I would base my decision on
would be the physical dependency of each drug. This is important because if you are constantly
doing a drug that has a high physical dependency and stop cold turkey, it could have deadly
effects. Another thing that I would take into consideration is how those drugs impact the crime
and violence rates in that area. There are pros and cons to everything in life, and in order to
legalize anything, I think that the pros would have to outweigh the cons.
Social control is when society is regulated by norms, laws, or belief systems. Society
would not exist without social control. I think that if any drugs made it past the decision stage

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SOC 326 – 5-1 Discussion: Deviant Substances If you had the power to decide which substance should be legal and which should not, what criteria would you use in making your decision? Discuss which social-control strategies could be implemented to govern the consumption of these substances. Post your own thoughts regarding these questions and, when responding to classmates, note how their ideas compare and contrast with your own. This discussion was very difficult for me. Having to make a decision like this is huge, and there is a lot to consider before you choose to answer. If I had the pow ...
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Awesome! Perfect study aid.
