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Western Telephone Manufacturing
The culture that the company developed was geared towards innovation as the CEO
of the company wen round all the company's plants advocating for significant changes that
will benefit the country in one way or the other. The changes included extensive training in
product innovation, and a new performance measurement scheme was introduced to gauge
the employees on their performance. CEO Ted ensured that everyone in the company
understood the new mantra, which was no longer Lean and Mean but rather Fast and New.
Adhocracy is the best culture that goes hand in hand with the innovation strategy
since it makes the employees to adopt quickly to the changes in the workplace. The western
telephone manufacturing company was the first to embrace the concepts of quality
management and Six Sigma wholly. Over a period of fifteen years, WTM has entirely
transformed since the quality of the products was poor, and what was needed to implement
the innovation change was a visit to one of the manufacturing operations to identify where
the problem lies. Everywhere in the organization contained posters to encourage the
employees to do a better job, but standardization was lacking in all aspects.
The company hired a consulting company to determine the extent of the project
focusing, and upon receiving the reports, the CEO of the company decided to change the
emphasis that has always been there of quality to focus more on the product and
technological innovation. The culture that was adopted is in line with the innovation strategy
as the employees are expected to adopt to the new changes even though there were instance
where the employees went on a strike because they had a feeling that the management was
not allowing them to implement the new strategy in their work and this shows that the culture
was consistent with the new strategy because the employees blended in well with the new
innovative changes.

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Course title Student name Institution affiliation 1 Western Telephone Manufacturing The culture that the company developed was geared towards innovation as the CEO of the company wen round all the company's plants advocating for significant changes that will benefit the country in one way or the other. The changes included extensive training in product innovation, and a new performance measurement scheme was introduced to gauge the employees on their performance. CEO Ted ensured that everyone in the company understood the new mantra, which was no longer Lean and Mean but rather Fast and New. Adhocracy is the best culture that goes hand in hand with the innovation strategy since it makes the employees to adopt quickly to the changes in the workplace. The western telephone manufacturing company was the first to embrace the concepts of quality management and Six Sigma wholly. Over a perio ...
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