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RUNNING HEAD: Technology Communication Plan 1
Technology Communication Plan
Mary Mebine
Lindsay Nardi

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Technology Communication Plan 2
Telehealth is “The remote delivery of health-related information from one site to another
via electronic communications to improve a person’s health awareness and access to health
related information”. (Balgrosky, 2015). Telehealth, although not completely perfected, can
provide many advantages to both patient and medical professionals. There is a process needed
to set up telehealth in a health care organization. This process has upfront as well as ongoing
cost and training time is needed to utilize the equipment. According to Michael Jong “For
telehealth to be successfully adopted, training is best provided while the health practitioner is
still in training and more amenable to learning.” Medical professionals who have been in
practice for many years may find that adopting a telehealth program is more difficult.
The implementation process of Telehealth
When a healthcare facility decides to initiate a telehealth application several decisions
must first be made and equipment will need to be purchased. For a clinic these items include,
speakers, microphone and computer cameras if the computers purchased do not already have
these capabilities. This equipment must be able to be easily accessible to utilized by the staff.
Training may need to be conducted to teach staff how to utilize the technology in the most
productive way. The facility must also ensure that they chose a platform that ensures
connectivity. It is not conducive to have a video disconnect in the middle of a consult. The
platform chosen should be one that falls within HIPAA compliance rules, (Mend, 2019).
Bandwidth as well as upload/download speeds should be prompt to avoid delays during the
online visit. For a patient to utilize telehealth they can have a variety of technology devices.
Some of these devices include a cell phone, lap top, tablet, or computer with video conferencing
capabilities. Some patient may need to download an application that corresponds with the
facilities telehealth features. (AAP, 2020)
Timeline for implementation

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RUNNING HEAD: Technology Communication Plan Technology Communication Plan Mary Mebine HCS/487 6/22/2020 Lindsay Nardi 1 Technology Communication Plan 2 Summary Telehealth is “The remote delivery of health-related information from one site to another via electronic communications to improve a person’s health awareness and access to health related information”. (Balgrosky, 2015). Telehealth, although not completely perfected, can provide many advantages to both patient and medical professionals. There is a process needed to set up telehealth in a health care organization. This process has upfront as well as ongoing cost and training time is needed to utilize the equipment. According to Michael Jong “For telehealth to be successfully adopted, training is best provided while the health practitioner is still in training and more amenable to learning.” Medical professionals who have been in practice for many years may find that adopting a telehealth program is more difficult. The implementation process of Telehealth When a healthcare facility decides to initiate a telehealth application several decisions must first be made and equipment will need to be purchased. For a clinic these items include, speakers, microphone and computer cameras if the computers purchased do not already have these capabilities. This equipment must be able to be easily accessible to utilized by the staff. Training may need to be conducted to teach staff how to utilize the technology in the m ...
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