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Student Name: _Zakkria Robinson
A. Start Stellarium. It should be in the default configuration you setup in the
Using Stellarium exercise. You should be viewing to your South and set the
program to full screen.
B. Bring up the Location Window and make you location Fort Worth, Texas, USA
C. Bring up the Date/Time Window and set the time for 12:00:00 local time on
December 21, 2009. This is the December Solstice (Winter Solstice for the
Northern Hemisphere). Move the Date/Time Window to the upper right corner
and leave it open.
D. Set you view to the South with a FOV of about 50°. This should mean that
East is to your left and West is to your right.
E. Move the view up slightly so the horizon is just visible at the bottom of the
screen and you are still facing south.
F. Turn the atmosphere ON and select the Sun.
G. Now we will examine the apparent movement of objects in the sky over a
period of a few hours. While watching the movement of the Sun. Click three
times on the up arrow above the Hours in the Date/Time Window.
Question 1: As you increased the time of day, in which compass
direction did the Sun move?. __South____________
H. Move the time back to noon.
I. Now watch Venus and Mercury, and click three times on the up arrow above
the Hours in the Date/Time Window.
Question 2: In which compass direction did Venus and Mercury
move?. _______West_______
Question 3: Did either Venus or Mercury seem to move at a different
rate than the Sun?. ____No__________

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J. Move the time back to noon and turn the atmosphere off.
K. Now watch the stars and constellations, click three times on the up arrow
above the Hours in the Date/Time Window.
Question 4: Did any object seem to move at a different rate than the
Sun?. __No____________
L. Now lets observe the motion as we look to the North. Find the object Polaris.
Now looking North, East is to the right and West is to the left.
M. By chance, Polaris lies very close to the celestial pole, an extension of the
Earth's axis from the North pole.
N. Watching the stars and constellations, click the hours from 12 to 15.
Question 5: Does the sky appear to move clockwise(cw) or
counterclockwise(ccw)? _____ccw_________
Question 6: Do the stars and constellations maintain their relative
positions to one another? ____yes___________
O. Now we will examine how the apparent movement of objects in the sky
change as we look from different latitudes on the Earth.
P. Use the Date/Time Window and set the time for 7:00:00 local time on March
21, 2010. This is the Vernal Equinox, just about sunrise. Drag the horizon
until you are facing due East, with the horizon at the middle of the screen.
Q. While watching the movement of the Sun. Click three times on the up arrow
above the Hours in the Date/Time Window.
Question 7: As you increased the time of day, Use a small plastic
protractor and carefully estimate the angle between the Sun's path
and the horizon. Record the angle here: __60____________
R. Reset your location to Quito, Ecuador and move the time back to 6:00:00.
Adjust the horizon to about the middle of the screen.
S. Watch the Sun again, and click two times on the up arrow above the Hours in
the Date/Time Window.
Question 8: Again, use a small plastic protractor and carefully
estimate the angle between the Sun's path and the horizon. Record
the angle here: ______90________
T. Reset your location to the North Pole by opening the Location Window and
using the up arrow on the latitude to get to 89 + degrees North, and move
the time back to 7:00:00.
U. Watch the Sun again, and click two times on the up arrow above the Hours in
the Date/Time Window.

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THE EARTH'S DIURNAL MOTION – EXERCISE MATERIALS Student Name: _Zakkria Robinson __________________________ EXERCISE ACTIVITIES STEP 1. A. Start Stellarium. It should be in the default configuration you setup in the Using Stellarium exercise. You should be viewing to your South and set the program to full screen. B. Bring up the Location Window and make you location Fort Worth, Texas, USA C. Bring up the Date/Time Window and set the time for 12:00:00 local time on December 21, 2009. This is the December Solstice (Winter Solstice for the Northern Hemisphere). Move the Date/Time Window to the upper right corner and leave it open. D. Set you view to the South with a FOV of about 50°. This should mean that East is to your left and West is to your right. E. Move the view up slightly so the horizon is just visible at the bottom of the screen and you are still facing south. F. Turn the atmosp ...
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