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Dark energy edited

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Dark energy
One of the current debates about mysterious forces or energy that are affecting the
universe on a larger scale. The discovery that was made about the universe expanding
exponentially could have won a noble prize. However, several cosmologists have distant it from
the existence of dark energy as being the major cause. Dark energy is a mysterious substance that
pushes the whole universe apart at an overwhelming speed (Escamilla-Rivera 2020). The
confirmation about the existence of dark energy is related to three independent sources. The
evidence confirming dark is indirect; the distance measurement and how it relates to the redshift,
suggesting the expansion of the universe, is confirmation. The other side of the argument
suggests that there is no existence of such energy as dark power, and all is just based on
unconfirmed theories. I believe in dark energy, the facts about the expansion of the universe are
confirmed, and there can be nothing influences it if not the dark energy.
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Surname 1 Student’ name Professor Course Date Dark energy One of the current debates about mysterious forces or energy that are affecting the universe on a larger scale. The discovery that was made about the universe expanding exponentially could have won a noble prize. However, several cosmologists have distant it from the existence of dark energy as being the major cause. Dark energy is a mysterious substance that pushes the whole universe apart at an overwhelming speed (Escamilla-Rivera 2020). The confirmation about the existence of dark energy is related to three independent sources. The ...
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