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Holistic care
Holistic care, in most cases, helps the patient in getting enough care needed. The nurse should be in a
position to check on the response to his or her illness and how it effectively meets all his self-care needs.
Therefore, there are some implementations that the nurse needs to use to make holistic care effective,
as described below.
What is Holistic care
Holistic care is well explained as the total or complete care given to a patient that considers all his or her
needs like the emotional, physical, social, economic, and spiritual needs.
Ways of implementing a holistic nursing approach to care and facilitate healing
The first way is by learning the patient's name and making use of it. This means that a nurse will be
producing holistic care because the patient's emotions will be raised positively.
The nurse should also use the therapeutic touch to the patient. This helps in improving the well being of
the patient by improving his or her psychological needs. This creates more room for the patient’s cure.
Making good and strong eyecare. When the nurse shows much concern to the patient, he, therefore,
feels that there is somebody somewhere who cares for him hence improving his health status. The
patient is also able to ask any question on his well-about because of the nurse's good relationship.
Ask how a patient is feeling The nurse should be a very goodhearted person so that he
may able to provide holistic care to the patient. Asking frequently about the patient's status
will help in improving the patient's care and also through giving him sincere care.
Watson, J., & Woodward, T. K. (2010). Jean Watson’s theory of human caring. Nursing theories and
nursing practice, 3, 351-369.
Nursing, P. (2017). The Importance of Holistic Nursing Care: How to Completely Care for your Patients.

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Holistic care Holistic care, in most cases, helps the patient in getting enough care needed. The nurse should be in a position to check on the response to his or her illness and how it effectively meets all his self-care needs. Therefore, there are some implementations that the nurse needs to use to ...
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