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Life crises
The outbreak of any life crisis leads to the panic of individuals. The lives of many are disrupted, and the
responsibilities may change due to changes that come along. Some of the findings may be carried out
during an assessment to indicate that a person has adapted effectively to the changes.
Findings indicate that the client has successfully adapted to the role changes.
Finding the humor in the situation. The client should be able to find the moments which are funny even
though the moments are unfunny. This helps the other members of the family to feel better as well.
Talk about problems more than the feelings. The client should be able to work through fear, anger, and
frustrations by talking about them a lot. Repeating and actively mentioning the negative emotions
hinders the adaptations of the natural processes.
Accepting on the past and fighting for the future. The client should be able to cope with the situation
and now mind about the future. One should respond to the changes that come along and be able to find
a positive way of life.
Not expecting quick stability. In order to adapt to the new changes easily, the client must not be in a
position to have a high expectancy. It is because when one has high expectations on life stability, and it
does not turn to be as expected, then it leads to much depression.
Elfatatry, A. (2007). Dealing with change: components versus services. Communications of the
ACM, 50(8), 35-39.
Kölling, M., & Molina, I. (2015). The Spanish national parliament and the European Union: Slow
adaptation to new responsibilities in times of crisis. In The Palgrave Handbook of National Parliaments
and the European Union (pp. 348-365). Palgrave Macmillan, London.

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Life crises The outbreak of any life crisis leads to the panic of individuals. The lives of many are disrupted, and the responsibilities may change due to changes that come along. Some of the findings may be carried out during an assessment to indicate that a person has adapted effectively to the ch ...
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I was struggling with this subject, and this helped me a ton!


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