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Lifespan considerations for infants
A nurse needs to consider the diet of the infant. The infant should be provided with calories and
nutrition, which is mostly from breast milk. This is important during immunization. The well is to be
considered in the development of the infant. His or her growth is important in the application of the
nursing process.
The school-aged children are to be considered their history of the clinic attendance. It helps guide the
nurses on what immunization the child has been given and which has the child not undergone. On the
wellbeing, the nurse should consider the activeness of the child. How sharp is the child not only in
school but even in day to day life?
In younger adults, in the immunization factor, the nurse needs to understand his or her fertility rates. Is
the adult fertile? Again consideration of health matters is very important; his or her allergically matters
should be considered for her safety. For the well being, the nurse should understand all the treatments
undergone as a result of any arising diseases or any condition.
Older adults should be immunized under conditions of the health context and the functional status of
the old. His or her health is important because sometimes they tend to be a week, and therefore, they
cannot withstand some medicines. About their well being their progress should be looked upon, and
most important is their weight levels.

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Lifespan considerations for infants A nurse needs to consider the diet of the infant. The infant should be provided with calories and nutrition, which is mostly from breast milk. This is important during immunization. The well is to be considered in the development of the infant. His or her growth is important in the application of the nursing process. The school-aged children are to be considered their history of the clinic attendance. It helps guide the nurses on what immunization the child has been given and which has the child not undergone. On the wellbeing, the nurse should consider the ...
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