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Role and responsibility of a nurse as a health educator
A nurse becomes responsible for the time a patient is admitted to the hospital. They are responsible or
teaching patients on managing medical conditions and also certain preventions. They mostly educate
patients on how they should take good care of themselves, for example, giving them instructions on
how to bath an infant or how to inject personal insulin and recognize warning signs of a certain disease.
The following strategies become very important during patient education, planning for the next lesson:
this is very important because the educator provides quality education to the clients.
Questioning their understanding of the care: the patients should be asked questions about what they
have understood concerning the lesson to make sure they get the lesson's idea.
Consider physical factors such as fatigue. The educator should not force the patients in learning. They
should be given time to freshen their minds.
Behavioral objectives
The care plan becomes very important in the management of the patients. The health care units are well
managed due to the objectives which are met by all the members in the health care unit.

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Role and responsibility of a nurse as a health educator A nurse becomes responsible for the time a patient is admitted to the hospital. They are responsible or teaching patients on managing medical conditions and also certain preventions. They mostly educate patients on how they should take good care of themselves, for example, giving them instructions on how to bath an infant or how to inject personal insulin and recognize warning signs of a certain disease. Strategies The following strategies become very important during patient education, planning for the next lesson: this is very important ...
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